What Is The Best Way To Take Care Of Your Eyesight? Here Are Some Tips!

Visual hygiene involves very simple measures, such as taking care of your posture in front of the computer or paying attention to lighting in the workplace. Find out more in this article!
What's the best way to take care of your eyesight?  Here are some tips!

What’s the best way to take care of your eyesight ? In fact, there is even a special medical concept to take care of your eyes. It’s a set of simple rules that can help you prevent eye damage.

In other words, eye hygiene is about changing certain habits, such as the distance between your eyes and the book, thus taking care of your eyesight. This can also be called visual ergonomics.

These visual hygiene standards have become even more important today. Nowadays, we spend almost all our days in front of the screens of mobile phones and computers, at work or just out of habit.

All this makes our eyesight increasingly weakened. Most of the population needs glasses at some point in their life or suffers from some type of problem such as eye strain, myopia or something else.

Therefore, in this article we explain what eye hygiene is and what simple rules can help you prevent or reduce eye problems. Read on to learn how to maintain good visual hygiene and care for your eyes.

Occupational hygiene standards and taking care of eyesight

A worker looking tired.


Currently, most of the work is done in the office and requires being in front of a computer. Likewise, from an early age, children spend hours in front of a book or looking at blackboard in class.

This means that we constantly strain our eyesight during all these hours. We also do not pay attention to our posture or let our eyes rest. All of this can add up and destroy our eyes.

Visual hygiene when reading or writing only requires a few very simple rules. If you apply them, you will notice over time that at the end of the day your eyes do not cause as much discomfort. You may even find that your eyesight has improved. Some of these rules are:

  • You have to pay attention to your posture
  • The first rule leads us to the second: you have to choose your workplace well. It is important that the chair and desk we use provide us with comfort. Some experts recommend using a height-adjustable chair and tilting the table according to your preferences.

What are the other eye hygiene tips?

Woman in front of the screen.

One of the most important ways to maintain eye hygiene is breaks. That’s right, rest while working or studying is absolutely essential. It allows our mind to improve its performance, and it is no different with our eyes.


When we look at a nearby object for a while, our eyes get tired. Therefore, it is always recommended to take a short break every half hour, even for a minute, to let your eyes rest.

What are the keys to good eye hygiene? While its name is somewhat confusing, it doesn’t refer to eye cleaning. In fact, it’s a medical concept that goes further. It’s a set of simple rules that can help you prevent eye damage.

On the other hand, another important factor in eye hygiene is the distance we stand from what we want to see. The best advice for a book or a screen is to keep your distance at least the entire length of your forearm.

However, it is not only the workplace that requires care and attention. Simple and daily activities, such as watching TV, are also key when we think about the keys to eye hygiene. In this case, it is especially important to monitor the distance, which should be approximately seven times the screen size.

To sum up

Visual hygiene consists of a number of very simple rules, including taking care of posture in front of a book or computer, which helps us to improve our eyesight and avoid problems later in life.

However, the most important thing is to always seek the advice of an ophthalmologist if you have any questions about your eyesight problems. They are fully qualified to assess visual hygiene and can give you detailed advice on what is best for you.

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