Venous Thrombosis – How To Avoid It?

We can avoid venous thrombosis if we take care of the right amount of physical activity. A 30-minute walk is enough for the effects to be visible.
Venous thrombosis - how to avoid it?

Venous thrombosis is a disease of the circulatory system. It occurs when a vein or artery is blocked by a clot made of cells and clotted blood. It leads to chronic inflammation that prevents proper blood flow and is the cause of many ailments.

In most cases, it appears in the legs and is associated with increased density and weakening of blood vessels. In some cases, this can lead to serious consequences as the clot can travel to the brain, the lungs, or other equally important organs.

Very often,  venous thrombosis is associated with genetic conditions. But that’s not the only reason. Our habits play an important role. Today you will learn 5 tips that will help you prevent the disease.

Venous thrombosis – basic advice

1. Physical activity

The key to avoiding thrombosis is exercise. Regularly practicing sports helps not only to maintain a proper body weight, but also strengthens the entire cardiovascular system.



Aerobic exercise, such as walking and running, works best. It is enough to spend 30 minutes a day and the risk of developing thrombosis or varicose veins will be significantly reduced.

2. Quit smoking

The negative effects of nicotine smoke primarily affect the respiratory system. But not only! Chemicals in the smoke enter the bloodstream, reduce oxygen levels and thicken the blood. Over time, clots begin to build up and block the veins and arteries.

Quitting smoking should be one of the first steps if you are worried about vein thrombosis. Reflect on your own health and get rid of this dangerous habit.

3. Maintaining a proper body weight

Venous thrombosis occurs primarily in overweight people. This is because the leg veins are extremely overloaded. The risk of developing heart disease is also increased.

Perfect body weight

Obesity also affects cholesterol and triglyceride levels which lead to congestion in the veins. In order to maintain an ideal weight, you should take care of a balanced, low-calorie diet and an appropriate dose of physical activity.

4. Avoidance of a sedentary lifestyle

Take a walk around the house or office, or go down and up the stairs. This is a great way to activate the circulatory system.

A very important point: do not cross your legs! This way you make the blood unable to flow freely.

5. Adequate diet

Food nutrients play a key role in preventing thrombosis. Consuming large amounts of vitamin C increases the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the flexibility of blood vessels.

Fresh fruit

It is worth mentioning that vitamin E prevents cholesterol oxidation, and vitamin K reduces the likelihood of varicose veins.

The most recommended products are:

  • Oranges.
  • Tangerines.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Kiwi.
  • Mango.
  • Broccoli.
  • Strawberries.
  • Almonds.
  • An avocado.
  • Wheat sprouts.

Follow all of the above recommendations as vein thrombosis becomes even more likely as the years go by. Remember: prevention is better than cure.

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