Urine Abnormalities – Find Out Everything

There are several types of urine abnormality. Don’t hesitate to consult your doctor if you notice any changes in your urine.
Urinary Abnormalities - Find Out All

Urine is the fluid your kidneys produce after filtering out organic waste and excess water. So if your urine is abnormal, your kidneys are not working properly. After filtration, it reaches the ureters and finally the bladder, where it is stored.

Urine usually consists of 96% water. The remaining 4% are dissolved substances such as urea, uric acid, creatinine, chloride and the like. If you suffer from urinary disorders, your doctor will check all of these substances.

After you stay in your bladder, urine is passed out of your body through the urethra.

Urinary Abnormalities: Different Types

Problems urinating

Overall, kidney stones are one of the major problems that affect urine output.

Changes in urine output are due to many different factors or diseases. Urination may be blocked by stones, but tumors can also cause obstruction. These changes do not allow the bladder to empty properly.

abnormalities in the urine

Problems with urinating can also result from kidney problems – the patient may, for example, suffer from kidney failure.

Infections and infections also contribute to this condition ; it can also be problems with bladder control such as overactive bladder, urinary incontinence and benign prostatic enlargement in men.

Abnormalities in the urine due to changes in the composition of the urine

As explained above, although urine is mainly water, it also contains other elements. The levels of other components may be higher or lower, indicating that something is not working properly. A urine test measures these components to help diagnose certain conditions.

Here are some situations where the constituents of urine may change:

  • Proteinuria. Means elevated levels of protein in the urine. This can signal the presence of diseases such as diabetes, some poisoning, glomerulonephritis, or urinary tract infections.
  • Glycosuria. This is the presence of glucose in the urine. It usually manifests itself in patients with poorly controlled diabetes and some kidney diseases.
  • Pyuria. It means there is pus in the urine.
  • Hematuria. May indicate urinary tract infections, kidney stones, or cancer of the urinary tract. This condition is blood in the urine.
  • Bacteriuria. It could be a sign of a urinary tract infection or urinary tract infection. It is the presence of bacteria in the urine.

Changes in the amount of urine you pass

The amount of urine you pass may also vary. Anuria is when you are not producing urine. The opposite, polyuria, may be when you empty your bladder more than usual.

Another abnormality is oliguria, which occurs when urine output is low. It is also worth mentioning urine retention, i.e. the inability to empty the bladder.

Urinary incontinence is the involuntary passing of urine. The difficulty here is to control the process and the amount of urine you pass.

Change in the color of urine

The most common changes in urine color are:

  • Dark yellow urine is usually a sign of dehydration.
  • Orange urine can be caused by excessive consumption of beta carotene-rich foods or by taking certain medications.
  • Red or pink urine usually indicates blood in the urine. Doctors call it hematuria.
  • Violet urine usually occurs in patients with a urinary catheter. This is due to the transformation of certain pigments due to bacteria found in the catheter tube.
  • Whitish urine or albuminuria – can result from a severe urinary tract infection or lymphatic fistula, especially in tumors or abdominal injuries.

Testing is also advisable if you have other signs of abnormal urine or bladder emptying.

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