Upbringing A Teenager – 3 Rules

A teenager must understand that there are many rules and requirements that must be met in everyday life. Show your child the difference between what is expected of him and what is required of him.
Upbringing a teenager - 3 rules

Raising a  teenager  is a really difficult process that requires a huge dose of patience, intelligence and pedagogical knowledge.

First of all, the adolescent child should be conveyed some values ​​that will guide him in his adult life. In addition, it is important to define the boundaries within which it can move.

In today’s article, we will introduce you to 3 rules that should be followed so that raising a teenager is not a nightmare for you.

Raising a teenager – some useful tips

It is commonly believed that girls mature faster than boys, and as early as 11 or 12 years old they may begin to demand more freedom and freedom. In boys, this process occurs a little later, around the age of 13. Then they suddenly become wayward and rebellious, and you cannot predict or understand their reaction.

You need to know that this is not a simple stage in a child’s life. It slowly enters the world of adults, while still being childish. His behavior is controlled by hormones and he focuses only on his feelings. However, this is quite normal and allows him to define his own personality.

1. More freedom, but also more responsibilities

You need to give your teen a chance to get to know himself, and you can only do this by giving him enough freedom. Only by learning from their mistakes will your child know the consequences of their decisions.

So it is very important to balance sensibly between the level of freedom and the level of responsibilities.

A quarrel between a parent and a teenager

For example, you can allow your child to go out on weekends, but only as long as it does not leave out school neglect. But make it clear that he has to follow the rules and if he comes home too late he will lose his privileges.

The key to success in raising a teenager is to provide him with knowledge about the rules and obligations that every adult must meet in his daily life. The sooner a teenager realizes that money doesn’t fall from the sky, the better for him.

It is worth making the child aware as soon as possible that solid work pays off and is necessary to be able to meet their daily needs.

Make your child aware that they must take responsibility for their actions and decisions. You make the rules, so you have to make sure you follow them. By gradually reducing your expectations of your teen, you can run the risk of losing respect. Remember that “teenage” is a really difficult stage in life.

2. Carrots instead of a stick – positive reinforcement

Many parents make the mistake that the only method of parenting they use is punishments, constant reprimands and the imposition of new and new restrictions. However, this kind of negative reinforcement is not effective in the long run.

Such behavior significantly lowers the child’s self-esteem, arouses negative emotions in them and strengthens the feeling of hopelessness. So the teen may give up instead of trying to fix the error. Instead of screaming and accusing your child of laziness, tell him that you believe in them and that you hope he will do better next time.

Make the young man aware that everything is in his hands, he just needs to try. When a child makes a mistake, do not overwhelm him with criticism, but explain that he can do better. Choose a strategy that will strengthen his self-esteem – use positive reinforcements, not negative ones.

3. Upbringing a teenager: Take care of proper communication and trust

Try to spend time with your child and ask him what’s going on. However, do not confuse an honest conversation with an interview, and do not judge him on what he did or did not do. As a parent, you can guide your teenage child appropriately, but you can only achieve this through successful communication and trust.

Do not let the young person close yourself in peace and cut off from the world. Avoid isolation and organize activities at home that allow the family to spend time together. During meals, don’t watch TV, just talk to each other.

Ask the children about their interests, friends or sympathy. Encourage them to share this information with their family, but do not pressurize and question everything.

A concerned teenager

Let your teen know that you are not his enemy, but an ally. Show him your support, not disappointment, criticism, or dissatisfaction with his progress. Listen to what your child has to say, show him the right way, and if he deserves it and shows responsibility and maturity – give him more freedom.

At the end

In conclusion, raising a teenager is not easy and there is no one proven method for it. However, if you manage to remain optimistic and show your child love and respect, sooner or later he will grow out of this most difficult age and become a mature and responsible person.

It is thanks to you that they will understand the value of work and respect for other people. Emotional intelligence and awareness are qualities that you will help him develop early in his life.

One last thing: remember that consistency and consent of both parents in matters related to the upbringing of a teenager are extremely important. Only by acting together and not getting in the way of each other will you forge a worthy and sensible young person.

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