The Human Body – 8 Popular Myths

Over the thousands of years of our species’ existence, thousands, if not millions, of myths about the human body and health have arisen. Today we would like to deal with five of them.
The human body - 8 popular myths

The human body  is an unusual system of connected vessels; They are tissues and organs that perform their individual functions, but also create one common whole. No wonder then that for centuries, how and why the human body functions has fascinated not only researchers, but also ordinary people.

That is why the human  body  has always been the subject of many questions, doubts, theories and hypotheses. Many myths have arisen around some processes, and not all of them are reflected in scientific facts. Do you want to know more?

Read on and learn about 8 of the most popular myths about the human body.

The relationship of man with his body has been a problematic issue for centuries.

On the one hand, everyone cared about health and beauty, on the other, however, the public question about the causes and course of certain processes was considered inappropriate and inadvisable for years – the human body has become a taboo subject.

Moreover, in the past, medicine and science were not as developed as they are now, so the answers to some questions were simply not known.


Ignorance combined with shame was a great basis for creating many myths and legends about the functioning of the human body. Today, when we have access not only to medical knowledge, but also to numerous technologies, it might seem that the myths about health are no longer valid.

It turns out, however, that the Internet and all the knowledge accumulated in it, instead of fighting with some erroneous information, only contributes to their dissemination.

Folk beliefs unsupported by medical knowledge are so deeply rooted in our minds that we do not even bother to confront them with the actual state of affairs.

However, if you are not among the group of people who are satisfied with the simplest solutions, we invite you to read the article in which we will deal with as many as 5 popular myths about human health and body.

The human body and 5 myths about it

1. The shampoo will stick your split ends together

Split ends

Almost every shampoo advertisement shown on TV suggests to us that this particular product of a given company has the magical ability to glue and regenerate split ends.

Each of us dreams of having beautiful and healthy hair, so it is very easy to fall into this marketing trap set for us, hoping that the use of an appropriate shampoo will save us from having to cut our hair.

Unfortunately – the truth is that even using a given product every day, preferably in combination with a few complementary products from the same company, we will not be able to achieve the effect of completely un-split ends.

These types of products can slow down the degeneration of the hair structure, but when it does, there is only one solution – cutting the ends.

2. Man uses only 10% of the capacity of his brain

This is a sentence that has been repeated to us for years through the mouths of hundreds of pseudoscientists and personal trainers, who thus tried to prove that they have the real power to change reality by willpower.

It turns out, however, that, in fact, each of us can work with our minds – well! – it is even advisable if we want to enjoy intellectual fitness as long as possible.

The claim that humans only use 10% of their brain’s power is an obvious myth.

Real scientific research has shown that even during sleep, the cerebral cortex does not stop working, so each of us uses a large part of the potential of our mind.

3. New cells are not formed in the adult body

Body cells

It is very common to think that the aging of the body is due to the fact that in an adult human being no longer forms new cells – we are thinking of increasingly weak bones or wrinkles that appear on the face.

Of course, this is another myth – the human body never stops developing, new cells are created in the body of even older people and this is where the changes taking place in it come from.

Undoubtedly, the way organs and tissues work will change with age; cellular activity also changes. However, no matter how old we are, these processes never stop and cells continue to reproduce.

4. Teeth are white

White teeth

As soon as we turn on the TV, we are bombarded with pictures of stars with snow-white smiles from all sides. So we stand in front of the mirror and look at our reflection, wondering why our teeth are not so white and without discoloration?

After all, we try to take care of our oral health, we brush our teeth every day, we use different whitening products, and all this is in vain.

The answer is simple – the natural color of teeth is not snow white at all.

Snow-white teeth are the result of the use of artificial whitening substances, which may even have a detrimental effect on the human body.

5. Cold makes you sick

This is one of the most popular myths about the human body.

It is commonly believed that since we get sick more often in winter, it must be related to low temperatures, which would accelerate the development of diseases and weaken the human body so that it becomes more susceptible to the influence of pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

In fact, it is exactly the opposite – it is not our body that is weakened, but viruses become stronger in cold conditions. Viruses live longer in cold weather, spread faster and easier for them to enter our body.

Therefore, our susceptibility to diseases does not increase, and only pathogens have a greater power to influence.

Do you think that the myths described above can negatively affect our health? It is good to keep your eyes and ears open and look for information on health in reliable sources to find out the truth.

By fighting myths, we are one step closer to a healthy and conscious lifestyle. We hope you will find our today’s article useful and will protect you from believing in superstition.

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