The Comfort Zone: 5 Ways To Leave It

Although we feel completely safe in our comfort zone, we are actually staying in it because of the fear of something unfamiliar to us. And this fear prevents us from developing and discovering new things.
The comfort zone: 5 ways to leave it

Do you have the feeling that your life is at the same point? Do you have any specific and long-term goals ahead of you? If you answered yes to both questions, the reason for this may be the well-known concept of the comfort zone . It is she who is responsible for these limitations.

The comfort zone,  as the name suggests, is an area where we feel completely safe and comfortable. But at the same time, we are quite limited. Today, however, thanks to us, you will discover several ways to leave this zone and go ahead.

The comfort zone is created as a result of our subconscious, constant tendency to look for things and ways to make us feel safe. That is why we cling so tightly to whatever gives us that impression.

However, this is a very limiting issue. The comfort zone means that sometimes we become addicted to many factors that, to put it mildly, we do not like. It could be, for example, a job we hate or a partner we do not love. And all because it seems to us that “it’s not that bad after all”.

However, over time, this attitude can cause burnout and bitterness. How to avoid it? You’ll find out soon enough.

1. Comfort zone and its definition – First, write down everything you like to do

One way to take the first step towards getting out of your comfort zone is to do something really very simple. Just take a notebook or piece of paper and start writing down all the activities or things that will make you happy.

For example, you can dream about horse riding, reading books, walking, going to the gym, ice skating, traveling, playing your dream instrument … In other words – write down everything that your comfort zone turns into unattainable for you here and now.

Now comes the question, which is: are you taking your time to do all the things you like?

Writing on paper

If your comfort zone does limit you, you will likely find that you have long stopped doing many of the things you enjoy. So now is the time to come back to them.

So put this piece of paper aside and start turning your words into actions.

2. Start taking care of yourself.

Another way to get out of your comfort zone is to take care of yourself again. This is because, although you may not be aware of it, your comfort zone is a very safe place, but one that limits you to the point where you stop even thinking about yourself.

How long has it been since you last exercised? Are you eating properly? Do you always sleep when your body suggests it and for the appropriate number of hours? There are certainly all sorts of more or less small details that you don’t pay the slightest attention to.

Think about yourself, take care of yourself and you will see how everything starts to change for the better over time.

3. Get in touch with other people

Our comfort zone sometimes isolates us so that we stop seeing friends or even avoid meeting new people.

It is therefore important, after reading the steps and recommendations described above, to start making contacts with new people who may be in different ways related to what you are doing or what you would like to do – according to the notes on a piece of paper you made a bit earlier.

A group of friends

For example, if you like to play an instrument and want to join a band, interact extensively with other musicians, whether amateur or not! Do not withdraw into yourself and do not avoid other enthusiasts of your instrument.

Moving from one social circle to another may make you feel insecure for a moment, but it is a consequence of staying too long in a closed circle, which may also be your comfort zone.

4. Book time for yourself

The fourth way to get out of the limiting circle of your comfort zone is to set aside some time for yourself. And although it does not seem to be particularly important, the truth is that it really is very important to you!

This could be related to the self-care described a bit above, as sometimes we tend to waste the time we have. Instead, use it in some useful way while focusing on yourself.

For example, reserve half an hour or an hour each day and then do whatever you want. What is your body and your mind telling you? What do you want? Put your thoughts and plans aside and let your heart guide you for a moment.

Your thoughts may limit you, they will try to convince you that the comfort zone is something almost perfect for you and that you do not leave it under any circumstances. Do not listen to them.

5. Start arguing with your thoughts and beliefs

As you may have realized by now, all these arguments that try to convince you that your comfort zone is something that should not be abandoned, are purely a figment of your mind. It is he who tries to convince you that you are safe here and that nothing bad will happen to you.

Meditating your comfort zone

But do you know if these thoughts are really true and if they are right? As with so many other aspects of life, why not try to challenge them as well? You will then discover how wrong these thoughts and beliefs are, and how many completely false beliefs are swarming in your mind. It’s time to revolutionize it all and start living without fear.

We hope that the simple ways to leave your comfort zone described in this article will help you with your daily activities or give you tips on how to improve your life.

We also encourage you to be aware that there are many fears and uncertainties that our comfort zone can fuel whenever we stay within it.

But do you really want to continue this way of life, boring and senseless?

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