Stomach Pain? – Find Out About Its Main Causes

The main causes of frequent stomach pain are diet and unhealthy habits. You often eat meals in a hurry, while swallowing a lot of air. This air is not conducive to the stomach and causes unpleasant digestive ailments.
Stomach ache?  - find out about its main causes

Digestive discomfort, stomach pain, abdominal inflammation, air in the stomach, a feeling of overflow … These symptoms are more common than we think. More and more people around the world struggle with unpleasant stomach pain every day, which significantly affects the quality of everyday life.

The feeling of a full stomach and its frequent pain can be for a variety of reasons. Most often, these symptoms are the result of eating difficult to digest food or the intolerance of some ingredients. You should also take into account various diseases that may directly or indirectly affect digestive disorders.

Read the article and learn about the main causes of stomach pain. Also, take a close look at your daily habits, which may not be healthy. Their correction will certainly help you get rid of discomfort and improve your daily digestion.

What diseases can cause stomach pain?

Stomach pains can be a symptom of chronic diseases such as gastritis. During this ailment, the stomach becomes inflamed, causing the stomach to “swell”, bloated and sore.

Irritable bowel syndrome is another cause of stomach pain and frequent flatulence.

This problem affects more and more people. It is a digestive condition that significantly reduces the quality of life. People who struggle with it must constantly control their daily diet and pay special attention to ingredients that can lead to digestive disorders.


What’s more, you should also carefully observe all changes in the body, because they can cause sudden changes in the process of excretion of unnecessary metabolic substances, the appearance of painful colic, stomach pain, etc.

Stomach pains can also be the result of constipation. Waste that is kept in the digestive tract for a long time adversely affects the overall health of the body, causing abdominal pain and many other various ailments.

What foods can cause stomach pain?

a glass of milk for stomach ache
  • There are many vegetables that the stomach may not tolerate or have difficulty digesting. These include, but are not limited to, cauliflower, all kinds of cabbage, garlic, broccoli, and onions.
  • It is also worth mentioning dairy products, which, due to their lactose content, become the number one enemy of our stomach. Consumption of these types of products can lead to severe, frequent and painful digestive disorders.
  • Eating foods high in animal fats, such as cold cuts, fried foods, unhealthy sauces, and highly processed ready-made foods can also cause stomach problems.
woman eating a hamburger

Remember that dietary fiber is mainly responsible for the proper functioning of the digestive system. Under no circumstances should it be missing from your daily diet. However, do not overdo it, as excess consumption can result in abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Another food that the stomach and intestines do not like is gluten. In some people, excess gluten in the diet becomes a direct cause of gas, abdominal pain and other unpleasant ailments.

Other unusual causes of stomach pain?

In fact, there can be many causes of frequent stomach pain. They are often the result of unhealthy habits for the body that we are not even aware of. Below are some unusual causes of stomach problems and flatulence.

  • Stomach pain, bloating, and overeating can be symptoms of a variety of diseases such as oral candidiasis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, etc.
  • Overeating and very quick, greedy absorption of food lead to the development of inflammation in the abdominal cavity. Symptoms of this habit are general digestive discomfort and a feeling that the abdomen may ‘burst’.
  • Swallowing air while chewing food is one of the habits that lead to frequent bloating and stomach discomfort. Usually this is because we are in the habit of talking and laughing during meals.
  • On the one hand, it is perfectly normal that we do not sit down to eat together in silence. However, if you are often bloated, eat foods alone and chew them thoroughly.
  • Chewing gum for several hours in a row can also fill the digestive system with air, which in turn leads to an excess of gut gas.
  • Carbonated drinks and spicy foods are also detrimental to the stomach and the entire digestive system. These habits can contribute to inflammation and the build-up of excess gut gas.

At the end

woman with stomach pain

Remember that there can be many causes of stomach pain and flatulence. Symptoms of inflammation include a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, overflow state, severe pain, discomfort, and gagging.

Frequent stomach pains and unpleasant flatulence with malaise and vomiting may indicate serious health problems. In this case, you may need to see a doctor.

Make an appointment with a trusted specialist and ask him to refer you for specialist tests. They will allow you to rule out serious diseases and help you find the cause of digestive disorders.

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