Red Wine: 8 Benefits Of Drinking It

Red wine can show very valuable properties in terms of the health of our heart. It can also help us avoid various types of cancer. For this reason, we should drink at least one glass of wine a week.
Red wine: 8 benefits of drinking it

Red wine really has many advantages. These include a variety of properties, from controlling high blood pressure to preventing dementia.

Fortunately, red wine is one of the most popular beverages around the world, and its drinking is even a kind of time-honored tradition in many countries.

For example, red wine can help keep a steady weight under control. It is able to positively affect the maintenance of a low level of “bad:” cholesterol (LDL).

All this information should make you think that it is good to have a glass of wine with your meal, which will translate into quite significant benefits for your health.

But if you are not yet convinced of this statement, read our today’s article. We intend to present you eight of the most measurable effects that red wine has on the condition of your body.

1. Red wine is good for your arteries

Red wine consumed in the amount of just one glass a day can prevent the formation of blockages in the arteries and the phenomenon of hardening of their walls. This is possible thanks to the large amount of antioxidants contained in this popular drink.

Red wine also helps with some other health conditions and also offers properties such as:

  • Improving the level of blood supply to the skin and organs of the body
  • Better regulation of your heart rate
  • Reducing the risk of blood clots due to inactivity or a sedentary lifestyle

Nevertheless, you should bear in mind that drinking red wine on a regular basis does not automatically give you a license to lead a sedentary and inactive lifestyle.

However, you should drink moderate amounts of this drink. The routine of everyday life should also include physical exercises appropriately selected for your age and condition. This way you will help your arteries stay in their best condition for many years to come.

2. Helps you control your weight

Red wine works closely with the gene that delays the formation of new fat cells. But drinking one glass of this popular drink also has an additional effect.

It helps our body to metabolize the content of fat cells that we already have in our body by eliminating them step by step. And this, of course, translates into a noticeable improvement in the figure.

The best thing to do to get this effect is to drink a small amount of wine every day after that.

But remember that the amount of more than one glass a day will do the opposite – it will turn out to be harmful to the body. It is also recommended to drink wine slowly and at intervals. In this way, the body can digest them more easily, eliminate the alcohol in the wine and make better use of the valuable properties of the drink.

3. Helps to fight fatigue

Red wine is made from grapes, both the flesh and skin of the grapes. Both of these ingredients contain large amounts of resveratrol. This chemical compound is a good ally to help you avoid fatigue.


In moderate doses, red wine may have an effect similar to that of energy drinks, but much weaker (refreshing rather than stimulating), but lasting longer and milder decay. Here are some of the most interesting additional properties that can provide resveratrol to the body:

  • More efficient functioning of the digestive system
  • More efficient production of essential chemicals in your body
  • Stimulating catabolic processes, i.e. the breakdown of complex molecules

4. It has a positive effect on the health of your lips

Do you often have a sore throat? Do your gums tend to bleed? Red wine can help you prevent the growth of harmful and dangerous bacteria in your mouth.

This is particularly important for pathogenic microorganisms such as caries and angina (mainly caused by streptococcus pyogenes). It is this group of bacteria that is responsible for most throat problems.

Red wine is also a great drink to relax your throat muscles. For this reason, it should come as no surprise to you that many singers and stage performers have a habit of drinking a glass of wine right before a show.

It is especially beneficial for people who feel stage fright before going on stage.

Many of these entertainers agree that wine also provides a great throat relaxation effect. This is especially important if you are going to be giving a performance or speaking for a long time.

5. Stimulates the process of endorphin production

A glass of wine with your favorite meal can stimulate your body’s production of endorphins. This substance is commonly known as the “happiness hormone”. It contributes to the feeling of relaxation of the whole body and makes you feel good.

For this reason, it is recommended to drink red wine the days before all kinds of stressful situations and events.


This will make it easier for you to survive such moments and, in addition, will leave you with a feeling of freedom – that is, something completely opposite to what you might have expected before a given stressful situation.

6. It allows you to cleanse your palate

Thanks to its astringent properties, red wine also turns out to be extremely useful in case of injuries, the need to stop bleeding, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect, and in some cases can also provide a cleansing effect on your palate.

Red wine can help you absorb the nutrients from the foods you eat faster and more efficiently. It can also reduce your cravings for eating fatty meats. This is because it provides a feeling of fullness even in small amounts and shortly after drinking it.

7. Influences the reduction of the likelihood of cancer

The antioxidants found in high levels in red wine can block the growth of cells that cause breast and lung cancer, among other things.

Resveratrol acts as a detector of too high estrogen levels, and at the same time acts as a mechanism limiting its height in women. This helps women to significantly reduce the likelihood of developing cancerous tissue in them.

We’re not saying here, of course, that drinking plenty of wine will help you avoid all of these problems. However, it has been shown time and again that red wine really does have the beneficial properties of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

So it’s a good idea to plan on drinking at least one glass of red wine a week. In this way, you can take advantage of all the benefits that this drink provides.

8. Avoids urinary tract infections

Red wine reduces the amount of bacteria that stick to the walls of the kidneys and bladder. This effect is also associated with the previously described antioxidant and astringent properties for which this drink is famous.

Urinary infection

In addition, wine optimizes the performance of these essential organs of your body by acting, in a sense, as a stimulator of their filtering functions.

Make a habit of drinking a glass of wine

If drinking red wine hasn’t been part of your diet so far, it’s a good idea to add it to your favorite foods and drinks list.

Many people start drinking red wine in order to enjoy its taste and aroma to the fullest. Fortunately, there is a really huge selection of wines on the market that will undoubtedly satisfy every taste. Try them out and find the species you like best.

Glass of wine

Another option is to eat dessert, which uses wine as one of the ingredients. This will help you to reduce the intensity of the wine’s aroma, which is especially useful if you are one of those people who find it a disincentive to drinking wine.

Thanks to the dessert option, you will still be able to get all the benefits this drink offers.

Just make sure not to eat too much sugar on this occasion!

Your health!

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