Lung Cancer Symptoms – Don’t Underestimate Them!

Some of the symptoms of lung cancer, such as chronic cough and muscle weakness, are often neglected because we attribute them to normal fatigue or consider them as a consequence of normal daily activities.
Lung cancer symptoms - don't underestimate them!

Every day, new cases of lung cancer are diagnosed around the world . And contrary to the popular opinion that only smokers suffer from this fatal disease, it is worth noting that many cases also apply to people who have never smoked in their lives.

Doctors and specialists associate the occurrence of lung cancer with the exposure of the human body to a number of unfavorable factors, such as:

  • Strong environmental pollution
  • Staying in rooms filled with cigarette smoke or in close proximity to smokers
  • Exposure to chemicals such as asbestos and radon

One of the main symptoms of lung cancer is severe chest pain, which may be accompanied by other symptoms that are often underestimated. Depending on the stage of development of the disease, various symptoms may appear. It is worth getting to know them in order to react in time. Remember that the sooner a cancer is detected and treated, the more likely it is to regain full health.

Misinterpretation of lung cancer symptoms

Many of the symptoms of lung cancer are disguised as normal everyday ailments usually attributed to fatigue, excessive stress, and a temporary decline in immunity.

With dormant vigilance, cancer thrives, and we don’t even know we could be terminally ill.

So it is very easy to confuse lung cancer with the common cold or fatigue. Hence, it turns out to be very important to perform appropriate tests in periods of decreased immunity or frequently recurring colds, coughs, shortness of breath …

Pay close attention to the symptoms below. If you have had these symptoms for a long time, be sure to make an appointment with a doctor and consult your doubts with him. Prevention is always better than cure, especially when it comes to cancer!

1. A persistent, chronic cough

Characteristic of lung cancer, the cough is dry and sometimes accompanied by bloody sputum. Sometimes there is also thick reddish mucus. If you are unable to heal a dry cough and the hoarseness caused by it does not go away for one month, an appointment with your doctor is necessary.

A coughing woman

The specialist will order you a series of appropriate tests to be performed, thanks to which you will be able to make a diagnosis. For your own peace of mind, it is worth excluding lung cancer.

However, many of us, out of laziness and the alleged lack of time to visit a doctor, disregard the above symptoms and wait for it to pass by itself. Unfortunately, sometimes it does not pass, and a late diagnosis can be fatal.

2. Common infections

If you have recently experienced bronchitis much more often than before, be sure to see a doctor and get a thorough checkup. Chest pains should also raise the alarm. These types of ailments always prove that something bad is going on in our body.

  • Very often chest pains are mistakenly associated only with heart disorders.
  • If the heart tests did not find any problem, ask your doctor to refer you for a lung test as well.

3. Uncontrolled weight loss

If you lose weight for no reason (without diet or regular training), you should definitely find out the cause of your uncontrolled weight loss. Usually, however, weight loss makes us more happy than sad. Who wouldn’t like to lose a few kilos without any effort?

Woman on weight

Remember, however, that losing weight is not always a source of joy, and it can often be a sign of serious health problems, including cancer.

4. Bone pain

But because we all feel pain from time to time, we do not pay enough attention to these types of symptoms, which sometimes last for weeks. Regardless of your age, whenever your bones hurt, you should find out what’s wrong. The study is simple, and it could save your life!

5. Swelling of the neck and face

Swelling in the neck and face occurs when the tumor presses against the vena cava, the one that carries blood from the head and shoulders to the heart. Swelling is therefore the result of reduced blood flow. If the swelling persists after the massage, you have a good reason to see your doctor.

6. Muscle weakness

One of the undeniable symptoms of developing lung cancer is muscle weakness, especially around the hips, arms and legs. Fatigue can be so great that it makes it difficult for us to carry out our normal daily activities.

7. Increased calcium levels

Some types of lung cancer cause the levels of calcium in the body to increase and this is then released into the bloodstream. Symptoms of this type of disorder may include:

  • Increased kidney activity and frequent pressure on the bladder
  • Troublesome, long-lasting constipation
  • A huge thirst
  • Nausea
  • Stomach ache
  • Dizziness

The only way to check your calcium level is with a laboratory blood test.

8. Difficulty breathing

Your partner noticed you snore heavily while sleeping? Do you feel out of breath after taking a few brisk walking steps? You are not able to run even a hundred meters, while until recently you were doing half-hour jogging without any problems?

Well, lung cancer greatly affects the body’s aerobic capacity. If you find that you are out of breath and are unable to cope with an effort that has not caused you any problems before, ask your doctor to refer you for appropriate tests.

Only research results can confirm whether you are actually struggling with a serious health problem, or whether your breathing difficulties are the result of the passage of time and the aging of the body.

Watch for any changes in your body

As we can see, many of the above symptoms may indicate not only the development of lung cancer, but also many other diseases or less harmful ailments.

You don’t always need to raise the alarm the moment you get breathless, your muscles ache or lose weight for no apparent reason. However, it is worth monitoring your body closely and in the event of any irregularities, consult a doctor, for your own peace of mind.

At best, you can count on a false alarm, but you should also take into account that the noted symptoms may be a signal of a disease developing in our body. Research will detect it in time, and often even save your life.

Remember that cancer is a disease whose early diagnosis increases the chances of a cure. In your daily life, try to avoid exposure to carcinogens such as cigarette smoke or the effects of other toxic and chemical substances.

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