Long Eyelashes – Proven Home Care Methods

You don’t need to use cosmetics with added chemicals to have thick and long eyelashes. All you have to do is reach for fully natural products and you will soon enjoy beautiful eyelashes.
Long eyelashes - proven home care methods

Long eyelashes not only protect the eyes, but also have a significant impact on the beauty, especially the appearance of the face, because they can enlarge the eyes and give the woman a more beautiful look.

Only thick and long eyelashes can fulfill the aesthetic function. If you cannot boast of such, you can use home methods to stimulate their growth. Learn more in this article.

Long eyelashes – proper diet

Caring for the right diet, i.e. the supply of proteins and vitamins, stimulates the growth of long eyelashes. For this purpose, it is recommended to eat foods rich in vitamin B and antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E. The latter will quickly make you have strong and long eyelashes.

proper diet and long eyelashes

Vitamins C and E, on the other hand, can be provided to the body by consuming citrus fruits, avocados and green leafed vegetables.

Castor oil

Do you want to have long eyelashes? Then put a small amount of castor oil on a cotton swab, then apply it to the eyelids and the skin at the base of the eyelashes, allowing it to absorb overnight.

After about two months of such treatment, your eyes will be adorned with beautiful long eyelashes.

A blend of essential oils

You can also get long lashes using a different method.

Prepare yourself a blend of essential oils in the following proportion:

  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil
  • half a teaspoon of calendula essential oil
  • half a teaspoon of rose oil

Place the mixture in a dish that does not transmit light. You can keep it for up to 10 days in a cool place. Don’t forget to mix the oils before each use.


  • Use a small amount of the mixture to gently massage the eyelashes with your eyelids closed.
  • Then leave it on for half an hour and wash your eyes with lukewarm soapy water.
  • Perform this procedure twice a day, morning and evening.

Olive oil with lemon juice for long eyelashes

To have beautiful and long eyelashes, you can also use a mixture made of olive oil and lemon juice.

All you need to do is combine the olive oil with lemon juice in a 4: 1 ratio and shake it until it is thoroughly mixed.

olive oil for long eyelashes


  • Using a cotton bud, apply a small amount of the mixture to the entire length of the eyelashes. Be careful not to let the liquid get into your eyes.
  • Leave it on for twenty minutes and then rinse it off with cool water.
  • Pat your eyes dry with a cotton towel without rubbing.
  • Use this procedure twice a day and keep the mixture in the refrigerator for a maximum of three days.

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