Emotional Void – I’m Missing Something …

We don’t need material things or other people to fill our emotional void. Only one thing can effectively fill this space: it is healthy, deep self-love.
Emotional void - I'm missing something ...

I have empty space inside me and I have no idea how it was created. It is an emotional void that makes me feel incomplete, deficient, insufficient … I need to fill it with something, whatever … I feel empty and it makes me feel deeply sad.

Emotional void is an unpleasant feeling. You could even say that this is an experience that occurs, for example, after the death of a loved one, after breaking up a relationship, or simply after someone has seriously failed us.

No matter how unpleasant it may be, our emotional void deserves our due attention. If it persists for a long time, we begin to fill it with people and things.

We begin to apply patches and seal them with “plasters”, thus covering the real reason why it appeared.

Endless emotional void

Many people, when an unbearable emotional void appears in them, try to fill it with objects and material things. Hence, compulsive purchases appear, which unfortunately later turn into unbearable remorse.

Such people spend large amounts of money to avoid facing their real feelings. They want to forget, at least for a moment, the feeling that is deep inside them and causes them pain. Either way, it doesn’t solve their problem in any way.

Sad woman and fish - emotional emptiness

In turn, some people, in order to fill this void, become attached to other people, sometimes manipulating or using them in order not to feel lonely.

This is a very serious mistake because it hurts not only others but also yourself. People who resort to manipulating and hurting others to make themselves feel better end up even more lonely and unhappy. And their emotional void is only getting worse.

The truth is, an emotional void causes a feeling of desperation. By this, we grab onto anything that might help us not to feel it even for a moment, even if it would be harmful to us.

In many cases, those affected begin to binge compulsively or resort to self-harm. This is because the pain is so intense and so excruciating that they are trying to avoid the problem in any other way.

Emotional void – roots in childhood

As we well know, childhood is a very important stage in our life. It determines who we are and what our adulthood will look like. It is in childhood that our thoughts and beliefs are formed, as well as emotional and emotional deficiencies that poison our later adult life so much.

A girl in a cage and her emotional emptiness

If we grew up in a broken family, if our parents had a toxic bond, we probably didn’t get even the part of the affection and warmth we needed.

The thing is, we get used to everything as children, and we consider it normal. Therefore, whatever it may be, it will not crush us as long as we are little.

It turns out that all of this comes back to us with a multiplied impact as we become adults. What we once experienced and were forced to experience appears in our adult life more strongly than ever before.

It is then that we realize how much harm has been done to us and how much it affects us today.

It happens that we do not remember at all what really happened in our childhood and what causes us now to feel pain and emotional emptiness. In such cases, it is sometimes necessary to seek the help of a specialist.

Thanks to psychotherapy, we will be able to discover the hidden roots of the problem. The therapist will be able to provide us with the necessary tools needed to start walking the path of satisfaction and well-being.

The void creates an even greater void

No matter how hard we try to find a solution, as long as we reach inward (people, objects, clothes, activities, food), the emotional void will persist.

We can be related to another person whom we have entrusted with responsibility for our happiness and still feel unhappy and incomplete. We can buy a whole lot of unnecessary things and realize afterwards that they have not filled us up at all.

These “patches” applied to the emptiness we feel are of no use to us. Worse, they can turn into a vicious cycle of addiction that makes us feel even worse and more unhappy.

Sad woman with roses

We are very often afraid to ask for help, when this is usually the best solution to the whole situation.

Even if we understand what is happening to us and perceive the mechanisms that govern us, we do not always have the necessary tools to help us leave old, well-trodden, erroneous thought paths.

Emotional void – how to heal yourself?

It’s time to stop trying to fill our emotional void with objects and empty activities. Nor is it worth blaming everyone around us for it. We will not undo the past, we will not regain a lost childhood, we are not able to erase the harm that has been done to us.

However, we can begin to act differently to ourselves. The responsibility for our own happiness rests with ourselves. So let’s take care of them, and if we are not able to, let’s ask a specialist for help.

Dry leaf at sunset

Sometimes we just need an encouraging stimulus to start moving forward. Only one: “you will make it”, “you are not alone”. Because the fact that we got lost for a while and lost ourselves does not mean that we cannot find each other again.

We, as human beings, are very strong. We show remarkable regenerative abilities – not only physically but also emotionally. It cannot be underestimated or forgotten, because it is our great strength.

An emotional void will pierce you from the inside out if you don’t begin to fill it with a sincere, deep love for yourself.

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