Emotional Instability: Why Is Every Day Different?

If your emotional instability is relatively short-lived, you should not worry or assume that the farther away the worse will be. Take comfort in the thought that each of us can have better days and bad days. However, if this mental state lasts for a long time, you should seek help from a specialist in this field.
Emotional instability: why is every day different?

Emotional instability mainly includes all the ups and downs in your state of mind that can last for a short time.

However, in many cases, you may just not know where this sudden sadness, surprising joy, or lack of interest in something seemingly interesting is coming from.

First of all, it is important to understand one fundamental point. Emotional instability is not a single disorder, but an entire syndrome. This means that there are many different types of emotional instability that can have their own laws.

There is no doubt that the kind of serious personality disorder in which your mood swings, “highs” and “lows” are chaotic and disruptive can develop into a complex neurosis.

In order to cure it, an appropriately selected psychological therapy will be necessary. In today’s article, however, we intend to focus on the other end of a wide range of disorders generally referred to as emotional instability.

We will try to look at those varieties that are characterized by a short duration and low intensity. Something that most of us have probably experienced several times in our lives.

Negative emotions

This is not necessarily a clinical problem. Sometimes it may seem that some invisible but dark cloud is blocking the sun. And the shadows you see seem bigger than ever.

You may feel as if something inside you has changed abruptly. But you can’t tell exactly what it is, or why it happened.

Here’s what you can do in this case.

Emotional instability: what are the possible causes?

There are probably also people around you who always seem emotionally unstable. Sometimes things go pretty well. At other times, each project in which such a person is involved falls to pieces. Precisely because of the sudden changes in their mental attitude and mood.

Personalities with such traits are usually very complex and contradictory. They can be described as ambivalent. Such people will probably find it difficult to gain your trust. Or, you probably won’t be choosing them when you seek advice or help.

In addition, living together can be like riding a roller coaster. Following this metaphor a bit, it will be full of ups and downs, often completely unexpected.

Now let us try to ignore the different personality profiles and clinical problems. Let’s try to move on to the next stage and find out why these characteristic changes in the psyche and emotional imbalance can occur at certain times.

Poor self-esteem

Each of us has experienced moments in our lives many times that were both highly complex and, let’s call it… delicate.

Sometimes a relationship between two people filled with such ups and downs can cause emotional addiction.


In such a case, it is extremely important to know that a person who is closely related to their partner may end up having a significantly reduced self-esteem.

This is a direct result of feeling like a victim in such a relationship. The result of this state of affairs in many cases will be emotional instability.

There may be times in everyone’s life where you keep telling yourself that you love your partner and other people in your life, but at the same time you feel irritated and frustrated and therefore just dissatisfied.

And there is nothing strange in this, as long as such a situation is short-lived, while prolonged thoughts of this type pose a potential danger to your mental state.

Hidden depression

Due to certain natural character traits, men find it much harder to open up to a stranger such as a doctor and ask for help, so they suffer silently and are left alone with themselves and their problems.

Hidden-type depression may have the following symptoms:

  • Emotional instability
  • Constant, bad mood
  • Apathy
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Negative thoughts
  • Strong stress from day to day

This form of depression is by far the most common cause of emotional instability.

Peer pressure and the number of stressful situations you may have to deal with each day will certainly have a negative effect on your mood.


Surely you remember perfectly well that there are days when you have the impression that you are able to handle everything with flying colors.

But there will also be times when seemingly easy tasks will overwhelm you with its size, giving the impression that you just have too much on your mind.

Hormonal changes

PMS is a fairly common cause of emotional instability, albeit of relatively low intensity.

However, we should mention on this occasion that these mood changes only affect about 10% of women.

Genetic predispositions

Nowadays, we have much more information about the brain’s chemical processes than until recently. Based on this, we were able to find out that genetics may play an important role in the development of this important problem, which is emotional instability.

Scientists have found changes in the levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin, which are actively involved in regulating our mood and emotions.

In each case, when our emotional instability is so intense that it negatively affects the quality of our life, it is extremely important to obtain a correct diagnosis and start an appropriately developed therapeutic therapy based on it.

How to deal with emotional instability

First of all, you need to understand that everyone has good days and bad days. Even more so, it is quite normal for your mood to drop slightly throughout the day, but it will soon return to your normal level.

Humans are not robots. We are beings driven by emotions that react differently to external stimuli depending on the moment and circumstances.

There will be days in your life when you will feel worried and more sensitive to any negative emotions. Another time, you will discover unexpected levels of motivation, energy and the ability to overcome obstacles.


Your brain is always trying to protect you during these conflict situations, so try to implement the following strategies in your daily day:

  • Relax, block out any negative thoughts, and try some exercise. Go for a walk, ride a bike, paint, walk on the beach or in the woods …
  • Talk to yourself. Take care of your needs and try to understand what is bothering you and what problems you may have.

Open up to someone who understands you. Explain to this person how you are feeling and try to spend your time relaxing with them. You will quickly understand the wonderful meaning of “cleansing” such therapy can have.

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