Cry – Why Do We Really Need It?

Crying is not a synonym of weakness, on the contrary, it helps us to get rid of tensions and free ourselves from them. It affects our body as a natural anesthetic.
Cry - Why Do We Really Need Him?

Crying accompanies us from the very moment we are born. Sometimes it is sadness, other times it is joy. It is also true that many times we stop crying forcibly because we think that we will be bolder, or because it is not perceived to cry in front of others.

However, this kind of emotional “discharge” is necessary to express what we really feel. Sometimes crying is necessary to move forward, overcome obstacles or just show what is happening to us. In the following article, we’ll tell you why it’s worth crying from time to time.

Deep crying sets us free

Tears are a tool used by our body and soul for all kinds of purposes. They bring us relief from grief, help us gain the attention of loved ones when we need help, show deeply felt sadness or disappointment with the memory of something that happened in the past.

You probably remember that more than once you cried “with all your strength” and then either fell asleep deeply or managed to dig out of the abyss of despair and went about your own affairs. Why? Because crying has helped you to shed a heavy burden and feel better.

The woman is crying on the bed

There are people who have the ability to cry, but for others it is not that easy. When we are young we are very often accused of crying and we are told that when we cry we are “weak”, “capricious” or simply “bad children”.

Negative thoughts

Such thinking is permanently recorded in our mind, so we do not allow ourselves to be sad and cry when we need it most. Remember one thing : if we control our emotions too much (negate them or hide them under a false smile) we are doing ourselves a disservice. It can even be harmful to your health.

If we accumulate too many negative feelings, it can not only cause depression, tension or stress, but it can also permanently change our character or personality. Increased irritability, mood swings and nervousness are some of the symptoms.

Do not forget that somehow our body has to get rid of everything that hurts and makes you feel bad. If you try to hide inside and “sweep it under the rug,” the day will come when you just can’t take it, and it may take the form of a sudden fit of crying or out of control.

The negative effects of stopping your crying

In terms of physical suffering caused by stopping crying, we can mention headache or neck pain, abdominal pain and dizziness. Our body’s defenses refuse to obey and you will be more prone to all kinds of diseases.

In addition, emotions that we do not show block the flow of energy, and also have a negative impact on our health.

Tears and crying

Crying deeply is the perfect natural way to ease our pain and understand what is really at the heart of our suffering and sorrow. This does not mean that you have to wait for all the bad to accumulate to the limit.

It is better to release a little bit and get rid of what harms us, instead of accumulating it.

Today we are too busy to understand what is happening to us and to our loved ones. We don’t have time to stop and think. We do not give ourselves the necessary time to analyze our everyday, down-to-earth emotions. Hence, it is also so difficult for us to make deep decisions.

If you are busy and busy all day at work, you will not be able to cry and relieve yourself of what really hurts you.

It may be a good idea to use your time while you shower, shower, or when you go to bed. It won’t turn you into a negative pessimist without hope for change, but into a person who knows how to channel your anxieties in a positive way and how to get rid of them healthily.

You will feel really refreshed, liberated and energized to move forward and get on with your tasks.

If you are unable or hard to cry, you don’t need to worry. This is the case with many people. You need to be a bit sensitive and give yourself the necessary time.

Sad woman

Turn on the music

You can play your favorite music, read something or watch one of those movies that require a large pack of tissues to hand.

It’s not about crying for the main character of the movie. It is only a helpful mechanism that allows you to relieve yourself of whatever weighs on your heart.

Did you know that there is a point in the throat that, when pressed, causes crying? You can also breathe deeply – it helps and brings relief. For many, this technique works and helps relieve crying.

Crying is a natural painkiller and sedative – did you know that?

We have already talked about the “spiritual” area of ​​crying and the positive effects it can bring to you. It’s also good to know that there is a great deal of research showing why a few shed tears bring so much relief to a crying person.

Tears is a naturally salty liquid that perfectly cleans and disinfects the eyes and moisturizes the eyeballs in a natural and gentle way. What purpose is this intended to serve? Well, this mechanism perfectly releases the happiness hormone.

When we undergo deep stress, the likelihood that we will start crying increases. It has been scientifically proven: by shedding tears, we also secrete oxytocin, noradrenaline and adrenaline. These elements have the same effect in our body as a pain reliever.


Hormones help us pay attention to what we are really feeling. Therefore, deep crying makes us feel better and relieves us. As if that were not enough, experts point out that crying reduces anxiety and promotes relaxation.

Crying and laughing – same benefits?

Laughing and crying are the two most common phenomena in our daily lives. If we analyze them from a physiological point of view, they are both very similar to each other. Why? Because they affect our breathing and blood pressure.

If we laugh an hour a day, we also lose 14 grams of fat. This may not seem like enough. But if you add up over the course of a year, you’ll lose as much as 5kg.

But this is not the only benefit, because laughter increases our self-esteem, slows down aging and eliminates stress and the accompanying tension.

The woman and cry

Crying has exactly the same effect! According to Hippocrates’ medicine, it can be considered a “mood cleansing”. Throughout the history of mankind, it has been considered wrong to cry as a lack of courage and weakness .

However, remember that this is not the case at all. So let laughter and tears fill your life!

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