Brewer’s Yeast As A Base For Your Diet – Find Out More About Them!

Brewer's yeast as a base for your diet - find out more about them!

No doubt you’ve heard of brewer’s yeast or have added it to a recipe beforehand. But if you have not yet used their properties in your diet, then without a doubt, after reading our today’s article, more expensive beer will become an indispensable product in your kitchen.

Switching to a brewer’s yeast diet is sure to become one of the best decisions you have made in your life so far.

Brewer’s yeast, a food product with miraculous properties

Did you know that they have one of the highest nutritional profiles according to nutritionists? Below we present all the most important ingredients commonly found in this product:

  • 8 essential amino acids
  • 10 amino acids necessary to build proteins
  • 40% protein
  • 14 minerals, including selenium, chromium, zinc, copper, calcium and iron, among others
  • 20 vitamins, the star of which is the B complex of vitamins
  • Nucleic acid necessary for cell regeneration

Who is brewer’s yeast most recommended for?

They will be a great product for you if you fall into one of the following groups:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • Children in development (especially up to the age of seven).
  • Teenagers.
  • Athletes (improve performance and deliver oxygen to muscle tissues).
  • People on slimming diets.
  • Vegetarians and vegans (brewer’s yeast in this case allows you to increase the amount of protein consumed).
  • Elderly people.
  • Patients with nutrient deficiencies due to improper diet.
  • People with anemia.
  • Diabetics.
  • People with hormonal imbalance (with abnormal levels of hormones such as progesterone, thyroid hormone or testosterone).
  • Cancer patients.
  • People undergoing treatment after surgery.
  • People with eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia, malnutrition).
  • People with liver problems.
  • People with high cholesterol.

As you can see, brewer’s yeast always offers some kind of benefit to almost any person, of any age or condition.

What is brewer’s yeast?

They are a by-product of barley decomposition and are sold in the form of a dried variety of the fungus known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae .

They can be grown under laboratory conditions and used as a dietary supplement, but the vast majority of brewer’s yeast is left over from the beer production process.

Before they reach the shelf of your favorite diet store, brewer’s yeast must be cleaned to remove the bitter taste that characterizes beer, and the process also deprives it of some of its more beneficial ingredients. This means that the resulting quality is slightly lower than when using fresh yeast left over from the beer fermentation process.

Powdered yeast

For the above reason, a much better solution is to buy live yeast that has not been refined or “upgraded” (which processes actually reduce their quality).

There are two types of brewer’s yeast on the market: bitter and free of bitterness, depending on how they are used. The bitter-tasting brewer’s yeast contains more nutrients than the latter variety, due to the details described above.

Taking advantage of the advantages offered by brewer’s yeast for the purposes of the diet

It is recommended to consume 20 to 30 g of brewer’s yeast daily. This protein supplement, found in natural food and diet stores, is used by many people on low-calorie diets.

There are several aspects to consider when buying brewer’s yeast. Some stores sell them in three flavors: natural, apple and cheese. Which one you choose will depend primarily on whether you intend to add brewer’s yeast to sweet or salty dishes.

A teaspoon of brewer's yeast

You can mix them with any ingredients whose nutritional value you want to enrich (i.e. increase their beneficial properties for health).

Brewer’s yeast is most often combined with products such as:

  • Milk
  • Yoghurts
  • Juices
  • Cocktails
  • Cereals
  • Vegetables
  • Pasta
  • Salads
  • Cakes and pastries
  • Desserts
  • Teas
  • The meat
  • hamburgers

As you may have noticed yourself, brewer’s yeast is really a very versatile and universal product.

Brewer’s yeast diet tips

  • Be sure to buy only live yeast, bitter yeast, and avoid all varieties that have undergone chemical cleansing and processing – they are then devoid of some of the most beneficial nutrients.
  • Add them to fruit and vegetable smoothies to satisfy your appetite.
  • You can consider buying yeast flakes that can be added to some recipes (such as salads and even desserts, depending on your diet). Just one teaspoon will provide you with plenty of protein and vitamins, with no added fat.
A bowl of yeast and cereal
  • Start each new day by drinking a glass of yeast dissolved in warm water with a little lemon juice. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach for two weeks in a row and wait half an hour before eating breakfast.
  • When you feel hungry, don’t attack your refrigerator. A better idea is to sprinkle a little yeast on some raw vegetables, such as cucumbers or carrots.
  • Add yeast to your lunch salad or diet burger. Even a small amount of them will make you feel more full and in addition you will provide yourself with a boost of energy needed for the whole day.

What else is worth knowing?

  • Consume brewer’s yeast flaked or dried three times a day (about 10 grams at a time) for at least one month for best results.
  • Be sure to read the instructions on the package for the recommended amounts to add to each meal.
  • Remember to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Brewer’s yeast alone in your diet is not enough – you also need to exercise two or three times a week, drink two liters of water a day, and avoid certain foods, especially fried or with processed sugars and flour.
  • This way you will be able to get the best results in a relatively short time.

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