Acidic PH – How And Why To Eliminate It?

Acidic pH, unlike alkaline, is not synonymous with health. So do whatever you can to make the acidic pH basic.
Acidic pH - How and Why to Eliminate It?

What does the acidic pH of the body actually mean? How can you eliminate them from your body? The pH factor can be much more important information than we think. It allows you to tell if the body is in a healthy alkaline state or is acidifying.

Bacteria and microorganisms thrive in an acidic environment. And it is precisely the acidic pH environment that must be eliminated in order to be healthy.

Acidic pH – what affects it?

Everything we eat and drink affects the pH in some way. Certain foods acidify the body, while others have the exact opposite effect. So what should we eat and what should we avoid?

Animal products as well as dairy products acidify the body. Those that bring the pH closer to alkaline include fruits and vegetables. However, one cannot forget about environmental factors, which are not insignificant in this matter.

Cleaning products such as soap, detergents, air fresheners, window cleaners and the like contain ingredients that are toxic to the body, thereby contributing to its acidification.

What is the situation in your case? Is your pH acidic or alkaline? You can check it.

What is pH?

acidic PH of the body

As you read this article, you may be wondering what pH actually is. Well, these two letters indicate the concentration of hydrogen in the body.

  • The scale is from 1 to 14, with 1 being most acidic and 14 being the most basic.
  • The ideal pH value is between 7.3 and 7.45, which means a slightly alkaline pH.

Due to widespread eating habits, the body tends to become acidic. This is largely due to the consumption of processed products and staying in an environment contaminated with chemical products.

Alkaline or acidic pH – how to check?

Face - acidic pH

To check the pH of your skin, all you need to do is buy a litmus test paper, which allows you to easily and quickly take measurements.

  • To do this, you should place the piece of paper in your mouth so that it is in contact with the saliva for three seconds.
  • After the specified time has elapsed, the bar will change to a certain color and you can compare it with the table which will show the reading value.
  • The test is best done in the first hour after waking up, before eating the first meal that alters the pH of your saliva.

Another way to find out if you have an acidic pH is to test it in your urine. In this case, the test should also be performed first thing in the morning.

  • Typically, the first reading is slightly acidic as the body tries to remove excess acid overnight. You will get the most accurate result when you urinate a second time.

Why should you know the pH?

Crossed hands

The pH value helps to know the health of the body. If you have an acidic pH, you are more likely to develop diseases and conditions such as:

  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • migraines and dizziness in the morning
  • cataract
  • tumor
  • arthritis, osteoporosis and degenerative joint disease
  • stroke
  • various types of allergies

How to make acidic pH alkaline?

There are many ways to do this. The two easiest ways are:

  • In the first hour after waking up, drink a glass of lukewarm water and lemon juice.
  • Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and drink it.

There are also interesting alternatives:

Increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables consumed

  • Eat more vegetable foods.
  • Include barley, red pepper, chlorella algae and spirulina in your diet.
  • Enrich your diet with fruits and vegetables. Drink green juices, which are a good way to quickly absorb the nutrients in them.

Avoiding sugar, processed and fried foods

  • Both sugar and processed and fried products acidify the body quickly. Replace them with natural sweetener and other food preparation methods.

Drinking good quality water


  • Whenever possible, try not to drink tap water as it contains chlorine and is unhealthy for the body.
  • Drink mineral and spring water.

Use of ecological cleaning agents

  • Both for home cleaning and personal hygiene, use only organic products.
  • Clean with vinegar, lemon juice and other natural properties.

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