Morning Fatigue? Here Are 7 Tips For Getting Rid Of It! – Step To Health

Morning fatigue?  Here are 7 tips for getting rid of it!

If you get morning fatigue every morning , you should know that although it is really a very annoying problem, you can get rid of it completely in natural ways.

You just need to follow a few simple tips that will make your morning fatigue disappear, as he took away with his hand.

In our today’s article, we present you 7 extremely valuable tips and advice that will make you wake up full of energy and in a great mood every morning. What are you still waiting for? We invite you to read!

Morning fatigue – what are its main causes?

Morning fatigue can have many different causes. This is due to the fact that there are many factors that may directly or indirectly translate into the emergence of this undesirable phenomenon. The most important of them include:

  • Intense lifestyle, general nervousness and high levels of stress.
  • Incorrect diet, lack of nutrients or irregular eating (“on the run”).
  • Leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Unhealthy habits and addictions.
  • Insufficient sleep or an environment that makes it difficult to sleep well.

Below we present some basic tips that will help you remove morning fatigue from your life once and for all and wake up satisfied, refreshed and full of energy for the whole day.

1. Improving the quality of sleep

In order to wake up in the morning full of energy and in a good mood, first of all you need to make sure that you get a good, healthy and long enough sleep.

This requirement is related to the fact that morning fatigue, as can be subconsciously presumed, may be caused primarily by some problem in your bedroom that prevents you from effectively rest at night.

Good dream

To have a good rest and a good night’s sleep, make sure you have completed the following steps in order before going to bed in the evening:

  • Make sure that your bedroom is quiet and that no outside noise drowns you out.
  • You must not allow any source of light, no matter how small, to be near your bed. Its presence causes your body to slow down the production of melatonin, a substance commonly known as the “sleep hormone”.
  • Turn off all electronic devices in your vicinity. TV, telephone, radio, laptop etc.
  • Make sure the room is at the right temperature, not too cold or too hot.
  • Make sure your bedroom is tidy and that there are no more than a few essentials around you.
  • Make sure your bedroom is well ventilated, especially during the day. Also, open the window at night, if conditions permit.
  • You can add some relaxing aromatic oils such as lavender or chamomile to your bedroom before going to bed.
  • Take a hot shower just before going to bed.

2. Reduce the level of stress

Stress is a huge threat to your health because it seriously disrupts the functioning of our body and makes us much more exposed to all kinds of problems and diseases.

One of the most common symptoms of stress is insomnia or difficulty falling asleep. And they make the morning tiredness hit us the next day from the moment we wake up and “hold” us all day long.

Stress at work

In order to effectively combat stress, we must switch to a healthy diet and, if necessary, also take additional supplements to strengthen our body’s immunity and avoid nutritional deficiencies.

Naturally, this is just one step in reducing your stress level, but one of the most important – but usually also the most underrated – steps.

However, it’s not enough if you don’t change the pace of your life and start changing your priorities by putting your health and well-being first.

3. Performing moderate intensity physical exercises

It is difficult to rest well during the night if you are not tired during the day. We are talking about physical, not intellectual effort.

Physical exercise

The reality, however, today is that many people become mentally exhausted during the day, but lead a sedentary lifestyle, so their normal activity does not involve too much physical exertion.

Therefore, we recommend that you do moderate intensity exercise 2 or 3 times a week. You will notice their benefits the next morning, when your morning fatigue will be noticeably weaker!

4. Controlling evening meals

You should remember to eat a rather light dinner fairly early in the evening so that you can digest it before going to bed. The optimal time interval is 3-4 hours from the last meal and going to sleep.

This way, you will also let your liver rest (although it does not really idle at night – however, instead of standard digestion, it will carry out self-cleaning processes) and the gallbladder.

This way, you’ll be able to improve your overall energy levels and feel good when you get up in the morning.

When your dinner is too big and heavy in hard-to-digest foods, your body has to use up quite a bit of energy for digestive processes. In this way, you will not be able to fully rest after the whole day during the night, so you will undoubtedly experience a strong morning fatigue the next morning.

5. Well-balanced, nutritious breakfasts

All those who get tired in the morning should start to prioritize their breakfast. And while this may seem completely irrelevant to the problem, it will be more important to them than to anyone else.

Nutritious breakfast

While some people have the habit of leaving home in the morning with just one coffee on an empty stomach, others need plenty of carbohydrate, protein and healthy fats to start the day full of energy and strength.

Regardless of whether you wake up in the morning with energy or your steps are inhibited by morning fatigue, we strongly encourage you to expand your breakfast with the following products:

  • Raw fruit and vegetables, in the form of a salad or smoothie. Coconuts and avocados are highly recommended items for breakfast.
  • Whole grain products such as oats. It can also be made of rye or spelled flour.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Vegetable-based cocktails and smoothies.

6. Supplement your meals with dietary supplements, if necessary

In some cases, to combat morning fatigue, we may also need additional dietary supplements, thanks to which we will strengthen our immune system and the body in general, such as:

  • Spirulina.
  • Korean ginseng (at certain times of the year).
  • Peruvian pepper powder.
  • Magnesium.
  • Beer yeast.
  • Virgin Coconut Oil.
  • Olive leaves.
  • Probiotics.

You can take the above-mentioned products from time to time and change them from time to time depending on the positive effects of their use. In this way, you will quickly and effectively eliminate your morning fatigue.

7. Extract of hornbeam flowers

There are sometimes quite a specific plant extract available on the market, which is part of the famous flower therapy of the English doctor Edward Bach. It is commonly known as hornbeam flower extract.

This product will help you effectively eliminate morning fatigue and weakness that we experience both in the morning and before any physical exertion.

To get the most out of this amazing hornbeam flower extract, just take 4 drops of this product 4 times a day. You can drink them pure or dissolve them in a little water.

In the case of hornbeam flower extract, there are no contraindications or undesirable side effects, therefore it does not pose any risk to sick people, children or pregnant women.

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