A Man Not For You – How To Recognize Him?

It’s true that a lot of people don’t like to talk about themselves, but if it’s been the fourth date and you only know his name and a few more details, you should start to get suspicious.
A man not for you - how to recognize him?

Have you ever wondered that your partner may not be a  man for you?

Often, when we are in love, we do not pay attention to various alarming signals that may inform us that our relationship is not fit.

The fact that our loved ones are trying to make us aware of this fact does not matter, because we have to come to the appropriate conclusions on our own. However, help from others will certainly not hurt us.

Therefore, in this article, we will share with you some signals that may indicate that your partner is  not a man for you.

How can you tell if this man is not for you?

First, it’s important to be objective. Try to determine if some or more of the following situations appear familiar to you. In addition, consider whether you have experienced them in your present relationship.

Perhaps these are the signs you need to understand that this is a man not for you.

1. He is interested in your earnings or assets

If you have a good job, your own home, car, or your family is wealthy, you should be careful as many people may be blinded by greed.

The man takes money from you not for you

This does not mean that it always happens. However, you should be careful, for example, when your partner asks you for money.

If he always wants you to pay when you go out together – think for a moment if his intentions are sincere. And they certainly aren’t if they’re trying to convince you to rewrite something you own onto him.

2. He doesn’t like your pet

Animals are smart and usually when they don’t like someone, they’re right.

Also, see how your partner treats your pet. He may be kind to him in front of you, but when you go to the bathroom or kitchen, he treats him badly.

3. He doesn’t talk about the future

Couples usually start discussing their plans together within a year or less of their relationship beginning.

For some it may take longer and for others it may take less time. At some point, however, people talk about marriage, children, living together, etc.

If you’ve been together for a while and he doesn’t want to talk to you about certain topics. It’s because it’s hiding something. Maybe she doesn’t want commitments, or she is in a different relationship and is cheating on you.

4. Does not introduce you to family and friends

If your partner doesn’t want to take you to family Sunday dinners at your parents’ house, or doesn’t want you to go to parties with him, you should start to suspect that he’s not the man for you.

As in the previous case, this could be because he doesn’t want formal relationships (and therefore doesn’t take you seriously). It might as well mean that there’s another girl he’s already introduced to his circle of friends.

5. He’s going too far ahead

When everything is happening too fast, it can also be a sign that you are not a good fit.

For example, if, after two weeks of dating, he says you should move in together. Or maybe she is planning a joint vacation a few months ahead? Does he introduce you to his whole family when you don’t really know each other? After a few weeks of acquaintance, he starts talking about children? Be very careful in such a situation!

The couple are handcuffed

All of these quick decisions can be detrimental to your relationship. Moreover, they can be a sign that you are dealing with an obsessive person, a stalker, or someone who has a tendency to be addicted to relationships.

6. You don’t know his taste

Especially if you ask him where he works, who he lives with, or what his favorite food is, and he avoids answering that question or changes the subject. It is definitely not a good trailer!

7. Doesn’t get involved

Perhaps your new partner has suffered a lot in a previous relationship or does not like close contact with people. There are also such personality types.

However, if he acts as if you don’t exist most of the time or he doesn’t pay attention to you and instead of talking to you he prefers to watch TV, send messages or whatever, it could mean that this man is not for you.

A woman and a man with the phone

8. He talks about his ex all the time

You’ve been dating for a few weeks now, and the only thing he does on every date is talking about his ex … that she liked this and that, that they went to that restaurant, that she never wanted to go to the movies with him …

On the one hand, it’s boring, and on the other, it should start to worry you. If he is still unable to forget his previous relationship, it is unlikely that you can make a new one together.

Let him live in the past, and when he’s really ready to start all over again, you may want to give him another chance.

9. He wants you to change for him

While it is said that only a cow does not change her mind and we can all improve in some respects, the fact that someone is trying to adjust your behavior and appearance to their taste and views should be alarming to you.

a man is not interested in your earnings and assets for you

He may want you to cut your hair, change its color, dress whatever he wants. Or maybe it requires you to stop seeing some friends, find another job or change your way of thinking …

Basically, he wants you to be a completely different person. Undoubtedly, this is a sign that this man is not for you!

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