Facial Wrinkles – What They Mean And How To Prevent Them

What are facial wrinkles or expression lines? How to prevent them? There are many factors that influence the lines that appear on your face. In the following article, we’ll show you what they mean and how to prevent them with natural remedies.
Facial wrinkles - what they mean and how to prevent them

The face is a reflection of the soul. Facial wrinkles are also a sign of how your body is functioning, as well as chronic or acute organ inflammation and emotional expression.

This means that the changes that occur are not entirely related to age or the passage of time. They can also be a sign of something that needs to be changed in our lifestyle.

Crow’s feet

These types of wrinkles may appear around the eyes as horizontal lines towards the temples. They are more visible when we smile or squint our eyes.

While they can express emotions in happy people,  crow’s feet are also a sign of a weak liver. In many cases, they are combined with vision problems that are also related to the liver.

facial wrinkles

To prevent them and to reduce expression lines, you can try the following measures:

  • avoid eating unhealthy sugars and fats such as processed meats, margarine, industrial baked goods, fried foods and the like;
  • eat your lunches earlier so that they are digested when you go to bed;
  • drink medicinal infusions and consume supplements of boldo, milk thistle, turmeric, artichoke or dandelion;
  • control stress or negative emotions such as anger.

Bags under the eyes

bags under the eyes

The kidneys are responsible for the fluid balance in the body.

  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. Spread this amount out over the course of the day to drink your first serving first thing in the morning, and always drink between meals.
  • Avoid consuming too much salt and always choose sea salt or Himalayan salt.
  • Eat raw fruits and vegetables in juices, soups, and salads every day. Choose ones that are rich in water and potassium.
  • Apply local heating to the kidney area (center of the back) using a hot water bottle or a heating mat.
  • Use vitamin C supplements.

Forehead wrinkles

The best solution is a more positive attitude and outlook on the world that helps you solve problems without putting yourself under stress. The idea is not to worry and just deal with the problems that arise.

forehead wrinkles

Calming your nerves can be found with the help of Bach flowers, which are natural essences that help you maintain your mental balance.

They have no side effects and no risk of addiction. You can take them at any age and at any time. However, we recommend that you go to the florist so that he can diagnose which flowers will be most suitable for you.

Wrinkles under the nose

Vertical lines that run from the nose to the edge of the lips indicate that your intestines are not working properly. In many cases, you may notice a sudden improvement or worsening of wrinkles due to acute intestinal problems such as constipation.

wrinkles under the nose

To get rid of these types of wrinkles, follow these tips:

  • You should eat a balanced diet rich in vegetables and whole grains. These foods provide the fiber the intestines need.
  • When increasing your fiber intake, you must also remember to drink plenty of water to allow it to be absorbed. If you don’t, it can make the situation worse.
  • Consume chia seeds and flax seeds. It is best to soak them a few hours in advance.
  • Kuzu is an excellent remedy for regulating the condition of the intestines.
  • The agar gel also contributes to the maintenance of a stable intestinal condition.
  • In an emergency, you may choose to have an enema.
  • Exercising and avoiding a sedentary routine is also essential to a healthy gut.

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