Joint Pain – Products That Can Cause It

To be sure if a product is causing your joint pain, eliminate it completely from your diet and watch for improvement. If so, try to avoid this product and replace it with others that are effective in improving the condition of the joints.
Joint pain - products that can cause it

We are very often convinced that the joint pain that we experience every day is the result of incorrect body posture for several hours in a row or excessive physical exertion. Have you ever wondered that our daily diet can be one of the leading causes of joint pain ?

Yes, there are a number of foods that cause inflammation in our body and contribute to the development of a wide variety of diseases. Meet with us today food that negatively affects the health of our joints. Start making positive changes in your life by modifying your daily diet.

Arthritis, gout and fibromyalgia and the daily diet

There is nothing to hide and we all know it very well that many food products from store shelves are loaded with such a huge amount of chemical ingredients that we are not even able to read the long list of foreign-sounding ingredients of a given product.

It is also not difficult to guess that all this chemistry has a very negative effect on the health of our body and is the cause of many different diseases. A significant percentage of the world’s population is dying as a result of changes caused by an unhealthy and nutrient-poor diet.

Every day, during each visit to a market or supermarket, we have to face hundreds of artificial additives and chemical preservatives that gradually kill our body. However, the latest research confirms that some food products can increase joint pain, especially in people suffering from diseases such as:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gout
  • Arthritis
  • Degenerative diseases
  • Disk herniation

Joint pain and daily diet

Eliminating certain foods from your diet helps to effectively relieve the most common symptoms of joint diseases, such as stiffness, swelling, and pain.

What’s more, changing your diet can also mean you go back to activities that you had to stop doing because of bothersome pain and stiff bone connections.

See for yourself that soon you will be able to easily open a jar of jam on your own or climb steep stairs.

A man with fibromyalgia

It will certainly not be easy for you at first, because we are so used to some of the harmful products that it will be difficult for us to imagine our daily diet without them.

However, we encourage you to make an effort, because the results are truly spectacular and significantly affect the quality and comfort of life. Get started today and you’ll be relieved soon!

Before you start the revolution in your kitchen, you should realize that it is these products that harm your body and cause terrible joint pain. So you will have to part with them forever.

We are not talking about a temporary curative treatment, but about a permanent change of habits, because the pain returns when the treatment is discontinued.

Joint pain – food groups that harm

Below are some of the food groups that can cause arthritis in you. Be sure to read them and gradually eliminate them from your diet to determine if they pose a threat to you or not.

Vegetables belonging to the nightshade family

The whole family of these vegetables can turn out to be a real nightmare for your joints. Belong to it:

  • Potatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Eggplants
  • All kinds of varieties of peppers
  • Sweet potatoes

So pay special attention to some of the dishes prepared with the above vegetables. They may contain an alkaloid called solanine, which contributes to the excess storage of calcium in the body’s tissues.

Do a one-month trial and eliminate all these vegetables from your diet during this period. Perhaps they are the cause of joint problems.

Foods high in purines

Purines are chemicals that stimulate the production of uric acid and its deposition in the body, especially in the joints and various tissues

Hands - joint pain

If you experience joint pain on a daily basis, you should absolutely eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • Liver
  • Kidneys
  • Cerebellum
  • Thick sauces
  • Stock cubes and teabags
  • Beef
  • Bacon
  • Turkey
  • Herring
  • Mackerel
  • Clams
  • Cod
  • Anchovy fillets
  • Trout
  • Sardines
  • Mushrooms
  • Green peas
  • Spinach
  • Asparagus
  • Broad bean
  • Chickpeas and peas
  • Beer

Dried fruits and oils

Use only extra virgin olive oil for cooking. Give up all other oils that may be causing joint problems. Some specialists recommend linseed oil, which is a valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids and has anti-inflammatory properties.

However, when it comes to dried fruit, which is also a rich source of fatty acids, specialists advise against eating them, because they may also contribute to an increase in pain in muscles and joints.

You do not have to completely give up dried fruit, but limit their consumption. A handful of nuts or raisins for a week is enough.

Dairy products aggravate joint pain

What products are we talking about? Below you will find a complete list of them.

  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Butter
  • Margarine
  • Cream
  • Ice-cream

Why are dairy products so bad for joint health? The main reason for this is their component called casein, which causes inflammation and pain in the joints of the bones.

An alternative to calcium from dairy products are the following products :

  • Spinach
  • Botwin
  • Almonds
  • Lentils
  • Quinoa (quinoa)
  • Tofu

White flour products

Rheumatic pains

Moreover, refined flour has a very negative effect on the health of the joints. It is one of the direct causes of edema and arthritis. Regular consumption of white flour products by people suffering from joint pain exacerbates the symptoms.

So experts recommend replacing white flour completely with whole grains.


Egg – Healthy or Unhealthy? Controversy regarding the consumption of eggs has been accompanying nutritionists and specialists in healthy eating for years. There is no doubt that eggs are the basis of many different recipes, both savory and sweet desserts.

Although eggs are a valuable source of protein, they are not recommended for people suffering from joint pain. They can worsen symptoms and aggravate inflammation. Why?

Yellow hen’s egg contains a component called arachidonic acid, the action of which is directly related to the inflammation of the joints.

See for yourself that after eliminating eggs from your daily diet, you will feel much better and your joint pains will gradually start to subside. Replace eggs with plant-based proteins, which are found in abundance in legumes and plant seeds.

Citrus fruits

Some people with gout or arthritis also experience an improvement in their health after discontinuing citrus fruits, both fresh and processed. Therefore, try to eliminate the following fruits from your diet:

  • Oranges
  • Lemons
  • Grapefruits
  • Tangerines
  • Limes

In order to provide the body with an adequate dose of vitamin C, which protects our immunity and helps prevent many diseases, you should consume between 75 and 90 mg of this nutrient daily.

Instead of citrus, reach for other fruits and vegetables, which are also a valuable source of vitamin C and at the same time do not harm your joints. Include the following foods in your diet:

  • Broccoli
  • Papaya
  • Kiwi
  • Guajawa
  • Strawberries

Coffee and tea and joint pain

Caffeine, and to a lesser extent theine, are absolutely not allies for healthy joints. The ingredients contained in both drinks exacerbate inflammation in the area of ​​bone joints. What’s more, drinking a few cups of coffee or black tea a day leads to the flushing of minerals and vitamins from the body.

Chocolate and cola drinks also have a very similar effect.

Experts unanimously advise against consuming these four products (coffee, black tea, chocolate and coca-cola) right after a meal, as this way we will lose some of the valuable nutrients that we have just provided to our body.

How is the diet good for the joints?

Knee pain

So how do you nourish your body? There are still many foods that you can eat as you please:

  • Red fruit
  • Whole Cereal Grains
  • green tea
  • Onion
  • The seasons
  • Zucchini
  • Lettuce
  • Carrot
  • Apples
  • Fresh herbs
  • Natural juices
  • Brown sugar
  • Stevia
  • Bananas
  • Grapes
  • Oat

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