Dancing And Walking Will Protect You From Alzheimer’s

Routine and monotony are your brain’s worst enemies, so it’s important to exercise, dance and walk regularly to avoid diseases like Alzheimer’s disease.
Dancing and walking will protect you from Alzheimer's

Dancing and taking regular walks will not only give you a lot of fun and keep your body in good shape, but also have a great effect on your brain. Why? This is because these kinds of activities allow you to relax. They release substances responsible for our well-being, both physical and mental.

According to research published by a magazine devoted entirely to Alzheimer’s disease, any type of physical activity that we enjoy, such as  dancing  or walking , is effective in protecting against degenerative diseases of the nervous system. Do you want to know more? Read on!

Dancing and walking for brain health

Any type of activity that involves not only our body but also our mind can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by up to 50%. You can choose from a myriad of activities such as gardening, dancing, walking or cycling.

When it comes to walking, we have already mentioned the benefits of 20-30 minutes walking every day. It is not only an easy way to improve your cardiovascular and respiratory fitness, but also to combat ailments such as stress.

Other activities such as dancing can boast of similar benefits for your body and mind.


A study conducted by specialists from the University of Los Angeles (California) led by Dr. Cyrus A. Rai, showed that the combination of physical activity with the pleasure of practicing it improves the state of nerve connections.

Thanks to this, we are more resistant to any degenerative diseases of the nervous system, such as dementia.

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, but it can be prevented

Alzheimer’s is a very common disease and you have certainly met a person whose family history has had such cases. Few diseases are as unpleasant for a loved one as Alzheimer’s.

Watching a loved one slowly lose their identity and memories is very painful.

  • Modern medicine does not know a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, and it is a serious disease not only for the patient himself, but also for his whole family.
  • Although Alzheimer’s disease cannot be cured, it can be effectively prevented. It is worth using every chance to reduce the risk of developing this disease.
  • In physically active people, who regularly walk or dance, the risk of disease is even 50% lower.
  • On the other hand, the risk increases in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and are not very active, both physically and mentally.
Sport shoes

Any activity that gives you pleasure has a positive effect on the gray cells of the brain. That is why regular dancing and walks not only keep you physically but also intellectually fit.

This is an excellent way to prevent brain degeneration and protect yourself from diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Dancing, walking and having fun versus Alzheimer’s

Any physical activity, such as dancing or walking, oxygenates the brain, improves circulation and improves the transport of nutrients in the body. Moreover, exercise helps you relax and prevents routine that is fatal to your brain.

  • Monotony, boredom and routine can be very harmful to the health of your brain. Repetitive activities and the lack of change disturb the brain’s chemical balance, which can even cause depression and mood swings.
  • By continuing to do the same things, the brain starts to slow down and works automatically. This weakens memory and nerve connections.
  • Dancing or walking activates not only your body, but also your mind. They provide brain stimulation and provide new emotions. It is a kind of fuel for your brain.

So let’s repeat once again with Dr. Cyrus Rai – Alzheimer’s disease cannot be cured, but can be effectively prevented.

Tango dance

You need to be aware of one very important thing: the brain, like any muscle, requires regular exercise to keep it fit for years to come.

If you limit yourself to sitting on the couch and watching TV, your brain cells will gradually deactivate. In turn, if you take care of your relationships with other people and set new challenges for yourself every day, your brain will become stronger, more agile and efficient.

Choose the activity that will give you the most pleasure – whether it’s dancing, running, walking or gardening. You will not regret!

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