Winning A Dispute – 8 Valuable Tips

Being empathetic and being able to put yourself in the shoes of the other person are the best ways to win any argument. These techniques allow you to focus on finding a solution.
Winning a dispute - 8 valuable tips

Nobody likes to argue in front of witnesses. But in some situations this is unfortunately the case. Outsiders may express their own opinions and share your opinion or not. In today’s article, we’ll share with you ways to win a dispute, no matter what its nature or cause.

Winning a dispute is  not always easy. A lot depends on the character and attitude of us and the other person. The context also influences the argument. We react differently in an argument with a partner than in a disagreement with a colleague.

Winning a dispute: basic information

First, arguing is not good. The sentences can be easily exchanged. It’s always better to find a solution as soon as possible and calm down. But in reality there are people around us who cannot talk other than through loud and aggressive remarks.

It would be best, of course, to avoid arguing. But when they do, winning a dispute proves to be a useful skill. Here’s how to do it.

1. Courtesy and culture

Be sure to pay attention to what the other person says. This is what matters most then. Don’t be driven by your emotions. Thanks to this, you will be able to think logically and your feelings will not guide you.

Winning a dispute requires courtesy.

Being polite also means respecting your interlocutor’s opinion and letting them express their opinion – regardless of the tone they use. Don’t change your own approach.

2. Winning a dispute is all about knowledge

Very often, winning a dispute is based on knowledge. You must have all the necessary data to help you fight back false arguments and wrong ideas of the interlocutor.

In order to participate in an exchange of opinions with confidence, you need to have all the necessary information. Perhaps your interlocutor is arguing with you because they are unaware of certain issues. On the other hand, when he hears factual arguments, he may change his mind.

3. Don’t use personal arguments

Sometimes the arguments are about things that do not depend on us or are not related to us. For example, a boss may be in a bad mood because he has been badly treated by a client. As a result, he may want to blame it on someone who had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Remember not to make reference to personal issues.

When you turn the discussion into an exchange of personal comments, you lose. Why? Well then, most likely, the emotions will prevail and they will not allow you to see reality without distortion.

4. Don’t try to win

Paradoxically, winning a dispute is easiest to achieve when you are not trying to do it. You may find it strange at first, but it is.

On the other hand, if you show interest in what the other person wants to convey to you and a desire to alleviate the conflict, it will be beneficial for both of you. It is very likely that your interlocutor will calm down, will be open to negotiations and you will get what you care about as a result.

5. Look at the situation from a different perspective

Sometimes it feels like an issue is not the problem. But for someone else, things are completely different. It can also be the other way around – something is a problem for you, but not for others. It is a good idea to put yourself in the shoes of others.

Changing your perspective can make it much easier for you to win disputes. You won’t have to accept or agree with everything the other person says. You just need to understand what causes her attitude.

Empathy makes it much easier to win a dispute.

Understanding is the first step to overcoming the barriers that form when we argue with someone. Emotionally distance yourself from situations of misunderstanding. Focus on the solution. This way you will make it easier to end the quarrel.

6. Winning a dispute is the ability to focus

Concentration is a key tool. It allows you to stand firmly in your position and stick to your goal of finding a solution to the problem.

When you are arguing with someone, the person you are talking to may want to throw you off balance and distract you by telling about what happened in the past and returning to old unresolved issues.

If that happens, try to get the conversation back on track. Do not change the subject as you will not find the solution you need.

7. Ask open-ended questions

The open-ended questioning technique is a very helpful tool when it comes to winning disputes. It allows all those involved in the misunderstanding to focus on finding a solution.

Instead of making accusations and focusing on a narrow scope of the topic, ask your interlocutors about an important matter in such a way that everyone feels involved in the process of finding a solution and not at risk.

Ask questions that will keep everyone involved in finding a solution.

For example:  How do you think we could improve our financial situation? What do you think of the two vacation spots we chose? What can we do to prevent our clients from choosing a competitive company? e.t.c.

8. Control your emotions

Keeping this point in mind is very important. During an argument, we often say unnecessary, painful things. It is difficult for us to calm down and control our feelings.

Managing your emotions is not easy, especially when the conversation is about a sensitive issue. But it is doable!

So how do you prevent feelings overwhelming us? Let’s stay calm. Let’s focus on taking a deep breath. It’s also a good idea to stop the conversation and go for a walk in the park.

Remember, winning an argument isn’t about who’s shouting louder. On the other hand, a person who cries is not weak at all. Stay calm and control your thoughts and emotions.

Of course, applying these tips takes practice. You will also need attention and concentration. The best part, however, is that these tools pay off. Good results will make you want to practice this approach further.

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