Quitting Smoking – Here Are 5 Benefits To Your Appearance

By quitting smoking, you will not only save money, but also improve your well-being and appearance.
Quitting smoking - Here are 5 benefits to your appearance

Quitting  smoking is a challenge for every smoker, but it is worthwhile to put the effort and all possible benefits at stake. We guarantee that after a moment of reflection you will also come to the conclusion that quitting smoking will benefit not only your health, but also your appearance.

Quitting  smoking will allow you to reduce the risk of cancer, heart attack or heart disease, stroke and cataracts. An added benefit will be a significant improvement in skin condition and several other benefits for your appearance.

Soon after quitting smoking, you will notice that it is easier for you to breathe, and symptoms such as the notorious “smoker’s cough” will gradually disappear. What’s more, you will not only feel but also look younger – quitting smoking will improve the condition of your skin, teeth and nails.

Each of us dreams of a beautiful, healthy and young appearance. By giving up smoking, you are taking a very important step in the fight for your beauty. This is a major change that you should decide on and take advantage of all the benefits.

1. Quitting smoking will help prevent premature skin aging

Wrinkles under the eyes

It doesn’t matter how old you are – it matters how much you feel and how… you look. Premature skin aging is one of the unpleasant consequences of heavy cigarette smoking. This is because nicotine causes the constriction of blood vessels, especially in the outer layers of the skin.

This interferes with blood circulation and its supply to the skin cells, making the processes of degeneration and aging happen much faster than normal.

Without an adequate blood supply to the skin, it is also difficult to properly oxygenate it and provide it with nutrients.

Thousands of chemicals in cigarettes cause loss of collagen and elastin, among other things. Quitting smoking will help you stop these premature changes in your appearance.

2. Better oral health and the appearance of your teeth

A healthy smile is an extremely important element of our everyday outfit. Moreover, it is not only an important aspect of our external appearance. It is also a mirror that reflects the state of our health. Never neglect the condition of your mouth and remember that one of the addictions that harm it is smoking.

The tar and nicotine present in them cause yellowing of the teeth, loss of shine and problems with the gums, as well as slower healing of wounds.

Quitting smoking is the first step in the fight for a snow-white smile and proper oral hygiene. If you are afraid of a radical change, start by reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke, then replace them with electronic cigarettes, and finally – with the support of a plaster or anti-smoking gum – say goodbye to them once and for all.

3. Beautiful thick hair thanks to quitting smoking

Hair loss - quitting smoking will help

If you are still looking for a reason to quit smoking once and for all, consider how this addiction affects the appearance and condition of your hair.

In heavy smokers, scientists found not only a high presence of chemicals and toxins, but most of all – destruction of DNA inside the hair follicles.

This causes not only excessive hair loss, but also its significant weakening. This is a problem for both women and men. If you don’t want to risk your health and appearance, decide to quit smoking today.

4. Quitting smoking improves the appearance of your skin

Skin changes and quitting smoking

We’ve already mentioned the effects of quitting smoking on stopping premature skin aging. It is worth noting, however, that premature aging is not the only problem with the condition of the skin of heavy smokers.

If you smoke, your skin becomes sallow. In addition, it acquires an unhealthy shade, discoloration, dark circles under the eyes and various imperfections appear.

Quitting smoking allows for better blood circulation in the skin and its oxygenation, thanks to which less toxic substances will get to it.

This will reduce the negative impact of nicotine on the condition of your skin and your appearance. By giving up this addiction, you give your body a chance for spontaneous gradual regeneration. 

5. The ability to regenerate and heal wounds is improved

Smoking is preventing your red blood cells (hemoglobin) from getting enough oxygen. This causes the blood vessels to contract and, consequently, slows down the process of cell regeneration and wound healing.

It is a relatively troublesome problem in everyday life, and can even be dangerous to your health and life, for example if you are expecting an operation or surgery in the near future.


Quitting smoking is a big challenge. However, it is worth taking it to enjoy not only health and well-being, but also real changes for the better in your external appearance. Today’s medicine and technology offer you a whole range of ways to help you get rid of this unpleasant addiction.

Thanks to them, the fight against addiction will become easier, and you will notice the effects even faster.

Also, do not hesitate to ask for help from a specialist who, together with you, will choose the best method and plan for you to quit smoking. Soon you will see a completely new person in the mirror – more beautiful, stronger and healthier.

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