We Strengthen Our Immune System!

How can physical activity help us strengthen our immunity? By increasing blood pressure, white blood cells and antibodies move more efficiently.
We strengthen our immune system!

There is no need to explain to anyone how important a role the immune system plays for our body . This group of organs enables mechanisms to work that protect the body against diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.

That is why it is so important to ensure that it can function flawlessly, because it will provide us with a peaceful life without unnecessary infections. So how to properly take care of our immune system ? Find out in today’s article!

How does the immune system work?

In other words, it is also called the immune system, simply speaking, its task is to constantly defend the body against pathogens that are trying to attack us at any time.

In addition, vertebrates, thanks to the adaptive immune system, are able to organize the immune response more efficiently and faster if the pathogen has already attacked the body.

Nevertheless, with the lifestyles we lead today, environmental pollution and many harmful factors to which we are exposed every day, it can weaken this system, which in turn increases the risk of disease.

Fortunately, with lifestyle modifications and a few natural products, we can improve the functioning of the immune system and enjoy good health.

How to take care of the immune system?

Before using natural remedies to strengthen the immune system, it is good to read the general rules and recommendations that will support the proper functioning of the immune system of our body.

Lean protein

Salmon fillet

Experts recommend moderate consumption of beef and pork, as they contain proteins important for our body. It is recommended to increase the consumption of fish and seafood, which contain substances that strengthen the immune system.

Fruits and vegetables

There are vitamins A, C and E in fruits and vegetables, which are responsible for the good condition of the immune system.

By increasing the consumption of, for example, carrots and leafy greens , we will provide our body with the necessary vitamin A, and by including citrus fruit in the diet, we will provide the right dose of vitamin C.

On the other hand, we will provide vitamin E by consuming dried fruit, seeds and nuts.

30 minutes of exercise a day

Warming up before training

Experts recommend at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity. This will not only support the immune system, but also improve your physical condition and well-being.

Movement in the fresh air will mobilize white blood cells to move around the body faster and more efficiently.

Stress situations

Tension and accumulated stress can deprive you of all energy that lies dormant in you, and reduce the body’s immunity . Therefore, it is advisable to avoid any stressful situations and unnecessary nervous tension whenever possible.

If you feel that you are just approaching the endurance limit, try yoga, meditate, and sometimes walking or playing with your dog is enough. Find an activity that will allow you to relax and relieve negative emotions and stress.

Strengthen the immune system with natural products

After reading and implementing the above recommendations, it is also advisable to include some natural remedies in your diet that will make your immune system stronger.

Eating them regularly can help prevent many diseases and mobilize the body to react quickly in the event of an attack by bacteria or viruses.

Orange and carrot juice

Carrot and orange juice

In addition to being very tasty and very easy to prepare at home, carrot and orange juice provides many essential ingredients such as vitamin A and C and antioxidants to help boost your immune system.


  • 1 carrot
  • 2 oranges
  • water

A method of preparing:

Crush the carrots using a blender or juicer. If you want to use a blender, add water to make grinding easier. Then squeeze the juice of the two oranges and combine it with the carrot juice. The drink to improve the immune system is ready.

Kiwi and orange juice

Kiwi is a fruit with a high vitamin C content. In combination with orange juice, it is a really powerful dose of substances that support our immunity.


  • 2 kiwi
  • spoon of flower pollen
  • 1 orange

A method of preparing:

First, wash, peel and slice the kiwi, then place it in a blender. Add a tablespoon of pollen and previously squeezed orange juice and mix for a few minutes. Consume the juice every day, and preferably in the winter, when there is a greater risk of flu and colds.


Propolis is otherwise bee putty. It is a resinous, sticky substance that is formed from plant resins collected by bees. It serves bees mainly as a material to seal gaps and damages in the walls of the hive and as a disinfectant to prevent the spread of bacteria.

The putty behaves in a similar way in our body. When consumed, it acts as a bactericide and disinfectant, and strengthens the immune system. To prepare, it is enough to mix 20 drops of propolis with water and consume three times a day.

Juice to strengthen the immune system

Fruit juice

This smoothie combines the healing properties of garlic, orange, onion and broccoli and is a powerful boost for our immune system. Although it will not be the tastiest mixture we have ever drunk in our lives, its health benefits are really huge, and most importantly, it will help us avoid many diseases.


  • 1 orange
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • broccoli

A method of preparing:

First, squeeze the orange juice, put it in a blender and use it to combine with the other ingredients. The drink should be consumed daily for a week, and then take a monthly break.

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