Low-calorie And Easily Digestible Dinner – 7 Ideas

When losing weight or in hot weather, you certainly feel the need to eat something really healthy and fresh. We give you 7 ideas for a low-calorie and easily digestible dinner.
7 ideas for a low-calorie and easily digestible dinner

If you want to eat healthily, you will surely enjoy a low-calorie and easy- to- digest dinner that will also help you avoid digestive problems at night.

The way to make a light meal is vegetables and whole grains. They are prepared quite quickly, they are filling, but not hard to digest (of course, if we eat them in the right amounts). So get to know 7 recipes for a healthy, easy-to-digest dinner .

1. A stuffed avocado

Cut the avocado in half and hollow out the inside. Fill them with chopped sausage or stuffing as you see fit. You can also use for this purpose:

  • The tomato
  • Cucumber
  • Apple
  • Fresh parsley
  • Chives
  • Garlic
  • Sweet corn
  • Grated carrots

Serve with the crust, which will serve as a kind of bowl. It may not look like much, but half a medium stuffed avocado can be really filling!

Avocado as an easily digestible dinner

2. Lettuce rolls

It won’t take you much time to make romaine lettuce rolls. They are also a great way to use the food you have in your fridge. Try combinations of ingredients containing:

  • Brown rice
  • An avocado
  • Peppers
  • Onions
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Bean sprouts
  • Pickled cucumbers
  • Grated carrots
  • Sweet corn

To roll up the rolls, focus on the softest parts of the lettuce, cutting the parts closest to the stem and adding them to the filling.

3. Potato salad

Here’s another tasty option that puts a low-calorie dinner at your fingertips.

  • Steam a portion of small potatoes and leave to cool. Use 2 or 3 potatoes for our recipe and use the rest for other dishes.
  • Cut them into pieces and mix with grated carrots, onions, chopped red peppers, olives and a few chopped tomatoes.
  • Pour over the olive oil and drizzle with lemon or vinegar. You can also add a little sesame paste to make the salad creamier.

4. Fruit salad

For this salad, you can use any fruit you just have on hand or seasonal fruit. These can be apples, pears, melons, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, bananas, etc.

Cut the ingredients into small pieces and add natural, low-calorie soy yogurt and drizzle with lemon juice. You can also add a few mint leaves. To spice up our salad a bit, add a little coconut cream and sprinkle it with cinnamon.

Fruit salad as an easy-to-digest dinner

The key to a delicious fruit salad is to choose full-bodied, ripe fruit that you cool it down in the fridge before making the salad. You can also go to the trouble of getting high-quality fruit.

Buy them directly from the farmer on the market. Such fruits are usually much fresher and tastier than those from supermarkets.

5. Vegetable cheese, sauces and pates

An easily digestible dinner is a great option if you have vegetable cheeses, sauces and pates at your fingertips. The great advantage of these dishes is that you can prepare them in one day and eat them on the following days of the week.

Prepare hummus, baba ghanoush or mushroom cheese: the choice is huge. For example, you can serve up a small bowl of one of the above for dinner, along with toasted whole grain bread, green lettuce, or Lebanese tabbula salad.

6. Gazpacho

When the summer heat takes its toll in Spain, an easily digestible gazpacho dinner comes to mind . Here are some tricks for making a delicious gazpacho:

  • Before you start making the soup, slice the cucumber and pickle it in a mixture of vinegar, lemon juice, and a little salt. Then drain, rinse and add to the rest of the ingredients.
Gazpacho as an easily digestible dinner
  • Be sure not to add too much garlic. Instead of fresh, use baked garlic. When grilling, put a few heads of garlic on the grill and refrigerate when needed.

7. Easily digestible soup dinner

Another great idea for a low-calorie dinner is soup. Start by making a broth, which may consist of water, a few dried shiitake mushrooms, and a little kombu seaweed if you like.

When the mixture starts to boil, add a heaped tablespoon of miso and remove from heat. You can now add protein and whole grain products such as tofu pieces, grilled tempeh, quinoa beans, or brown rice.

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