Ringworm, Vagina And Garlic: Very Bad Combination

The best way to deal with vaginal mycosis is to apply garlic topically. The ingredients contained in it help to naturally inhibit the multiplication of fungi in the vagina, relieve unpleasant symptoms of this ailment and help rebuild the proper bacterial flora of the vagina.
Vaginal mycosis - cure it with garlic!

Vaginal mycosis is an infection that many women around the world struggle with. Its main symptom is discomfort in the form of itching and burning in intimate zones. The infection should be treated as soon as possible in order not to lead to even worse complications. Fortunately, vaginal mycosis can be cured with home remedies, which you can read about in the article below.

Vaginal mycosis – what do I need to know?

Many women at some stage in their lives struggle with the embarrassing problem of vaginal mycosis. For some it is a temporary problem and occurs only once in a while, for others it comes back constantly and becomes a real bane, difficult to combat.

The environment in the woman’s vagina is created by a natural bacterial flora that protects the intimate organs against infections. However, it is not always able to cope with the harmful effects of various factors that lead to an increase in the rate of multiplication of various types of fungi.

vaginal mycosis affects most women

Factors that reduce the amount of healthy bacteria in the vagina include:

  • Hormonal changes (for example, during the menopause)
  • Using an antibiotic or steroid treatment or taking oral contraceptives
  • Warm and humid environment
  • Diabetes
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Wearing clothes made of synthetic fabrics
  • Eating a diet rich in refined sugar

When our immune system is strong, it can spontaneously restore the normal vaginal flora. The problem occurs when the body’s resistance is low and it is not able to fight the fungi attacking the vaginal environment on its own.

Candida albicans

One of the most common causes of vaginal fungal infections is a fungus called Candida albicans. Most women live with this microorganism without knowing it. Usually, this fungus lives in harmony with the vaginal flora and does not cause any unpleasant ailments.

For the health of intimate organs, it is extremely important to start appropriate treatment immediately after noticing the first symptoms of a fungal infection. Remember that if it is left untreated, vaginal mycosis can spread to other areas of the body, such as the digestive or respiratory systems.

As soon as possible, undergo a healing treatment based on garlic. Garlic perfectly fights fungal infections and naturally helps to rebuild the disturbed bacterial flora of the vagina.

Healing properties of garlic

Garlic is one of the most popular medicinal plants in the world. Due to its health-improving substances, it has been used for centuries in the home treatment of many different ailments.

Its unquestionable advantage is its great effectiveness in action and the fact that it does not bring any negative side effects to the body. However, there are many more benefits that a clove of garlic provides to our body!

A woman eating garlic for vaginal mycosis
  • Garlic naturally improves blood circulation and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Each clove of garlic is a valuable source of antioxidants that delay the aging process of cells and inhibit the harmful effects of free radicals.
  • This aromatic spice naturally and safe for the body stimulates the process of removing toxins and other harmful substances that accumulate in our body every day.
  • Regular consumption of garlic helps to maintain good overall health of the body. This plant is also an extremely effective method of preventing many different diseases.
  • Garlic also has strong antifungal properties that effectively fight all kinds of fungal infections, including vaginal mycosis. The ingredient responsible for inhibiting the multiplication of fungi is allicin.
  • In addition to its fungicidal action, garlic perfectly supports the fight against bacterial and viral infections.

It is worth emphasizing that not only the consumption of garlic benefits our body. Also, its topical application helps to improve health and fight many different ailments.

Vaginal mycosis – treat it with a garlic treatment

1. Insert a clove of garlic into the vagina

This procedure is extremely simple and cheap. It is enough to place half of a fresh, cut garlic clove in the vagina. Pierce it with a needle and thread and prepare something like a tampon to facilitate its removal later. When it’s time to remove it, all you have to do is pull the string and pull it out.

It is best to place a clove of garlic in the vagina in the evening, just before going to bed, to leave it there all night.

If you experience discomfort or irritation of your intimate areas, take it out immediately. It will be normal to feel a little itchy or warm when using the treatment, so don’t worry about it.

vaginal mycosis can be cured with garlic

Half of the garlic inserted into the vagina gradually releases allicin – a natural fungicidal ingredient. Thanks to this method of treatment, vaginal mycosis will quickly subside and the risk of its recurrence will be significantly reduced.

2. A bag of garlic

Another healing treatment based on garlic is a bit more complex. You should take a few minutes to prepare it. However, it is very effective and makes vaginal mycosis disappear in just a few days.

  • Crush two or three cloves of garlic in a mortar (you can also run them through the press).
  • Wrap the resulting paste in sterile gauze, making a small pouch filled with a healing agent with a knot at one end.
  • Then place this pouch inside the vagina as if it were a tampon. Leave the knot outside.
  • Leave the garlic tampon in the vagina for about four hours. Check your watch frequently, as exceeding this time may cause a serious infection of intimate areas.

3. Garlic oil

If you are an advocate of simpler methods and do not want to put various products inside your vagina, the garlic oil solution will be perfect for you.

Garlic oil and vaginal mycosis
  • Buy garlic oil capsules at the pharmacy. It is a dietary supplement recommended for people who cannot tolerate the sharp, characteristic taste of garlic. However, we will not consume the capsules, but use their contents topically.
  • Then open one of the capsules and pour its contents onto an intimate tissue.
  • Put this one on your panties so that the active substances contained in the oil reach the vagina in the form of water vapor to fight excessively multiplying fungi.

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