Say NO To Heartburn! Where Does Heartburn Come From And How Do I Deal With It?

Say heartburn NO!  Where does heartburn come from and how do I deal with it?

Heartburn is an extremely troublesome ailment caused by the regurgitation of gastric juice with a pH much lower than the pH of the esophagus. Long-term heartburn can lead to complications. In this article, we’ll look at some of the factors that can cause heartburn, and why you shouldn’t take excess medications for heartburn. As an alternative, we will present some centuries-old natural ways to deal with this ailment.

Heartburn and its possible causes

The heartburn, or more specifically the reflux (regurgitation of stomach acid) that causes it, is most often the result of:

  • Unhealthy diet or food intake when heavily acidified.
  • Regularly take medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen or birth control pills.
  • Bad eating habits
  • Stress
  • Difficult digestion

Heartburn medications

There are many medications for heartburn, and many people also use baking soda to combat this ailment. However, be aware that these are ad hoc measures that counteract an effect, not a cause. In addition, overfilling yourself with heartburn medications too often may lead to a situation in which the  stomach’s acidic pH becomes neutral, which is even more dangerous and may lead to serious complications.

Unhealthy food

If you are suffering from acidity, avoid eating and drinking foods such as:

  • Dairy
  • Sugar
  • Fried food
  • Fast-food
  • Purchase cakes, buns, donuts
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Yerba mate
  • Spicy spices including cinnamon, ginger, and cloves
  • Tobacco

What can i eat when i have heartburn?

If you read the list and came to the conclusion that basically anything you eat can make it worse – breathe a sigh of relief. Here is a list of things that you can not only eat without fear, but also help convert acids without disturbing digestion.

  • Lemon: strange as it may seem (citrus is acidic), lemon has an acid-neutralizing effect once it has entered our digestive system. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to eat lemon too often, and if you do – add it to dishes, drinks (e.g. tea or water).
  • Potatoes:  potatoes are an excellent natural remedy for acidity. Potato juice is especially effective.
  • Millet:  This is the only highly alkaline grain, so it should be eaten as often as other grains such as rice and wheat.
  • Pineapple:  this tropical fruit facilitates digestion thanks to the proteolytic enzymes contained in them, but should not be combined with carbohydrates contained in bread, pasta, dough, rice, etc. fish as well as for salads.
  • Cabbage:  Cabbage naturally helps heal stomach ulcers, but it often happens that our body does not efficiently digest it raw, so you can cook it and season it with caraway seeds. Uncooked cabbage will also work well when served in a vinaigrette. Sauerkraut is also recommended!
  • Pepper:  This vegetable is effective in neutralizing stomach acid.
  • Grape:  One of the most alkaline fruits. However, do not overdo them with their amount, as they contain a lot of pesticides.
  • Celery:  This versatile vegetable can be added to soups, cooked meals, and salads.

However, it may happen that your digestive system also does not tolerate some of these fruits and vegetables. If you feel your heartburn is the result of eating something on this list, try to eat it as little as possible.

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Treat the root cause of heartburn

Diet may be a cure for recurring heartburn. If you are suffering from ailments for a very long time,  try to eat only 3 vegetables for 3 days: potatoes, cabbage and carrots. You can also add other vegetables to this list that do not give you ailments. Apples in various forms are also great: boiled, baked, raw or mixed.

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Potato juice

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Such a drink is anti-inflammatory and effectively reduces acidity. You will feel a definite improvement after just a few days of use. You can buy this juice at health food stores or you can make it yourself: about 1/3 cup of mashed potatoes (peeled and well washed) and add 2 tablespoons of fresh olive oil to them.

Kaolin clay

White clay (kaolin clay) can be successfully used to naturally neutralize acidity without side effects. You can buy it at any health food store. Add a teaspoon of white clay to a glass of water and stir it with a wooden spoon. Stir for about 10 minutes, changing direction every few moments. This mixture is now ready to drink.

baking soda

An easy way to fight heartburn is a glass of baking soda or a bath in baking soda. Baths for various ailments are in the offer of every spa salon, if you are going to one soon – you can ask about such a service. Swimming in the sea works in a similar way.

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