Paper Towels – 10 New Uses That Will Surprise You

If you want your food to get rid of excess fat and you want it to be crispy, put it on several layers of paper towel.
Paper towels - 10 new uses that will surprise you

Nowadays, paper towels are a popular cleaning agent. You can find them in homes all over the world and are used as an alternative to cotton cloths for cleaning surfaces.

However, despite the many uses, most of us use paper towels for only a few activities, such as removing spills or absorbing excess fat from food. These methods are most often shown in advertisements.

The truth is, paper towels have tons of other uses that can make your life easier. Do you want to know more?

Paper towels – new applications

Remove the fibers from the corn cob

The small fibers that cover the maize are very hard to remove and the operation itself is very time-consuming. A simple piece of paper towel can make this task easier for you in an effortless and time-saving manner.


How to do it? Dampen a paper towel and rub it over the corn. It’s so simple!

Oil bottle

Get rid of excess broth fat by using paper towels

Often we can see an extra layer of fat in the broth.

chicken soup

To remove it, cover the colander with a paper towel and pour the broth through it.

Rust on cast iron pots and pans

Cast iron pots and pans are often rusted as they are not properly cleaned and stored.

It is very important to dry them well before putting them back, and also put a paper towel guard between them.

Drying vegetables with paper towels

Most vegetables should be washed before eating. The water layer that remains after washing them can be easily removed thanks to paper towels. For quick and effective drying of vegetables, take two layers of a towel and cover the salad bowl with it. Then put in it the vegetables you want to dry.

Check the freshness of the seeds

Worried your seeds are too old to germinate? If you do not know if they are usable because they have been stored for too long, use the following trick:

  • Dampen two pieces of a paper towel and put a few grains between them.

Leave in a warm place and sprinkle with water from time to time. If the seeds do not germinate after two weeks, they are past their expiration date.

Fresh bread

One way to keep your bread fresh for longer is to keep it in the refrigerator. If you want your bread to stay fresh for longer, wrap it with a paper towel that absorbs moisture, protects against mold and extends its shelf life.

Get rid of brown sugar moisture with paper towels

As the temperature rises, brown sugar releases its moisture and turns into a hard block.

If you know this problem, pour sugar into a closable container and leave a piece of paper towel inside. The next day, the sugar should return to its loose form.

Fried food without excess fat

One of the main advantages of paper towels is their high absorbency. They are also the best way to remove excess fat from your food.

Chips and paper towels

Cover the plate with a paper towel and then place the fried food on it, after a few minutes the excess fat should be absorbed by the towel and your food will remain crispy and healthier.

The vegetables stay fresh for longer

Do your vegetables spoil very quickly? Wrap them in several layers of paper towel before you put them in the fridge and enjoy fresh vegetables for longer!

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