Anxiety States – 5 Natural Ways

A hot bath is relaxing and helps to relieve muscle tension caused by constant anxiety.
Anxiety states - 5 natural ways

Anxiety states is a psychological ailment. Recently, this problem affects a large part of society, especially the inhabitants of large, developed cities.

It is about feeling constantly nervous and anxious that greatly affects your quality of life. It has negative effects, both physical and psychological.

If  anxiety occurs only occasionally, no specific treatment is required. It is perfectly normal for adults to experience some symptoms from time to time, and they may not necessarily be a bigger problem.

However, take into account that if you are unable to control this ailment for 6 months, you should see a specialist. It may be serious psychiatric disorders.

Anxiety – causes

The enormity of daily duties, stress at work, and family problems – these are just some of the factors that can trigger anxiety. They can also contribute:

  • Hormonal disorders : Changes occur at different stages in a woman’s life. It is influenced by the menstrual cycle and the reproductive life.
  • Stress : This is the most common cause. Anxiety occurs especially in nervous situations. Most often they are single cases and are not associated with major problems.
  • Psycho-compulsive disorders: These are the result of possible phobias that affect the behavior of an individual, such as a panic attack.
  • Traumatic experiences : They often require a visit to a psychologist.
  • Drugs and Medicines : Some chemicals used in the manufacture of drugs and pharmaceuticals adversely affect the health of patients.
Anxiety and stress at work

If your anxiety states are related to stress or tension, you can control them in natural ways. In other cases, you will need to see a specialist.

Learn about natural ways to help you fight anxiety and nervousness.

1. Lavender

This plant has calming properties. It affects the brain directly to help control the nerves.


  • 2 teaspoons of honey (15 g)
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)
  • 4 sprigs of fresh lavender
  • Half a lemon juice

What should i do?

  • Boil a glass of water and then add the lavender sprigs to it. After 15 minutes, strain, add honey and lemon juice.
  • It is best to drink this tea before going to bed as it helps you rest better.

2. Chocolate

For many of you, eating chocolate is a “sin”. However, you should know that it has many beneficial properties for your body. First of all, because it contains huge amounts of antioxidants.


Try to choose chocolates with a high cocoa content – they work most effectively. When eating, the production of serotonin, a substance called the ‘happiness hormone’, is stimulated.

What should i do?

  • Get a chocolate bar with at least 60% cocoa content and eat 2 – 3 pieces a day.

3. Oat water

It is known as a support in the weight loss process. Oat water is also great for relieving anxiety. Vitamins, minerals and fiber affect the nervous system and fight symptoms. You will also manage to reduce the amount of calories you eat.


  • 5 tablespoons of oats (50 g)
  • 1 liter of water

A method of preparing

  • Add 5 tablespoons of oatmeal to one liter of water, set aside for 30 minutes, and you’re done! Drink a few sips throughout the day.

4. Juice for anxiety states

“Sokotherapy” is an excellent and extremely tasty way to treat anxiety. It works both preventive and soothing.

Fruit cocktail


  • ½ glass of water (125 ml)
  • 1/4 cup pear puree (52 g)
  • ½ cup of strawberries (80 g)
  • 1 small banana
  • 1 teaspoon of brewer’s yeast (5 g)

What should i do?

  • Put all ingredients in the juicer. You should get a uniform juice.

5. Hot shower

Too frequent use of a hot bath is not recommended as it reduces the amount of natural oils in the skin and causes skin dryness.

You can use this method sporadically to relieve anxiety.

What should i do?

  • Fill the tub with hot water, then add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
  • Take a bath for about 15-20 minutes to feel the cloud of relaxation envelop your body and mind.

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