Ovarian And Pancreatic Cancer – New Treatment Methods

The new molecule developed by scientists from Stanford University may become one of your body’s best allies in the fight against ovarian and pancreatic cancer.
Ovarian and pancreatic cancer - new treatment methods

Something really amazing was developed at Stanford Medicine College at Stanford University in California not long ago. This is something that we all eagerly await the people who caught the cancer of the pancreas or ovary.

Scientists at this institute have designed a molecule that could become one of the best allies in the fight against ovarian and pancreatic cancer… and it could theoretically do so in just a few months.

At the moment, the molecule is still in an experimental phase, but the results of studies conducted on laboratory rats are very positive. The molecule developed by scientists is more effective than expected.

Not only is it able to stop the tumor , but it also causes its gradual regression.

The results of the research were published in various trade journals, including the prestigious Stanford Medicine.

Scientists are very excited that in the near future we have a really great chance to discover an effective cure for these diseases, which is the real curse of the present day.

“Baseball mitt” versus cancer of the ovary and pancreas

Scientists refer to the molecule they discover as a “baseball glove.” This is due to both her appearance and the way she works. First, it uses a kind of bait to “catch” the tumor-modified cells.

Once he intercepts them, he then takes them out of the game, just like a baseball glove.

Amato Giaccia is the head of the team of scientists who worked on this vital research. Both he and his team are trying to find a new practical approach to the treatment of life-threatening diseases such as cancer of the ovary and pancreas.

Amato Giaccia

These two diseases have many things in common. For this reason, Giaccia decided to conduct research that could be used in therapeutic therapies for both of these oncological diseases. Here’s what these two types of crayfish have in common:

  • Both neoplasms are usually extremely difficult to detect in the initial stages. They also tend to grow very quickly.
  • The cancer appears on one or both of the ovaries and the pancreas. Once discovered, parts of these organs must be surgically removed.
  • The patient then receives a referral for a full cycle of treatments including chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  • These treatments are generally very aggressive to health. During their duration, the patient will be very weakened and much more susceptible to any other diseases, mainly infections. Unfortunately, such treatment does not in the least eliminate the risk of the cancer returning.

So let’s now take a look at how this molecule works (in a very general outline, after all, we are all laymen on this matter) and how it can change medicine and the treatment of diseases such as ovarian and pancreatic cancer.

A molecule that removes cancer cells from the game

As we mentioned above, both ovarian and pancreatic cancer progress very quickly. Before a patient is properly diagnosed, cancer can spread to other organs in the person’s body as well.

Metastatic cancer, in turn, is a really big challenge for scientists and doctors, and a source of enormous, fully justified fear for patients and their families.

Until now, most medical research has focused on finding a way to slow down the development of cancer and possibly return the patient to an acceptable standard of living.

Laboratory tests

However, Amato Giaccia and his team of scientists have developed a molecule that not only stops the growth of a tumor, but also causes it to regress slowly. This molecule acts as a bait. It binds to a protein from the sixth group of genes, then stops the tumor from growing further and destroys the entire tumor.
This effect is possible due to the blocking of the function of tyrosine kinase receptors, a key element for the survival and growth of cancer cells.

This molecule, also known colloquially as a “baseball glove,” can completely heal and in some cases even immunize a patient. This is especially important if the medical process is combined with chemotherapy to treat a person suffering from ovarian or pancreatic cancer more effectively.

In this way, my molecule is able to gradually eliminate the tumor, which is associated with the remission of the disease.

Huge expectations for the future

Of course, there is no point in becoming over-optimistic as research is still in its experimental phase. So far, results that allow for an optimistic outlook to the future have only been obtained in animals under laboratory conditions.

We are still waiting for the long-awaited leap to clinical trials. After all, patients with ovarian or pancreatic cancer who are waiting for a cure for their disease constitute a truly numerous group and are keenly interested in any achievements in this field.


As of today, the molecule developed by the Amato Giaccii team has been called MYD1-72. Scientists hope it will be able to provide the following benefits:

  • Can be used as a less aggressive complementary type of therapy for ovarian or pancreatic cancer. The patient’s nerves and immune system will not experience side effects from treatment with MYD1-72.
  • MYD1-72 in animals is effective up to 95% for diseases that are not advanced.
  • If the ovarian or pancreatic cancer reaches an advanced metastatic stage, the theoretical possible success rate is 51%.
  • However, in more severe cases, doctors still choose to combine MYD1-72 drug therapy with chemotherapy to reduce the tumor’s ability to grow and spread to other organs.

Clinical trials involving MYD1-72 will begin in the near future. We hope the results will be as positive as the theoretical potential of this molecule. The researchers behind this study also predicted the creation of new molecules or “baseball gloves” that could also treat other types of cancer, but this is now a matter of the future.
Meanwhile, we will keep track of new developments in MYD1-72 research.

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