Homemade Keychains: Ideas Based On Recycling

Did you know that you can use old bottles, corks and other materials that you surely have in your home to create beautiful homemade key rings? Check out some of the great ideas we present in this article today!
Homemade keychains: recycling ideas

Recycling and reusing various types of used materials and raw materials is nowadays an extremely fashionable form of activity. Are you also looking for various great ideas for homemade key rings ?

If so, join these ecological trends and make some of them yourself in your home! Believe it or not, you can create beautiful homemade key rings from materials that you often throw in the trash.

All those bottles, corks, worn-out clothes, bottle caps, beer caps … you can recycle everything … and make some interesting use of everything!

Turning recycled materials into homemade key rings

Did you know that you can use old bottles, corks and other materials that you surely have in your home to create beautiful homemade key rings? Get to know some great ideas today, which we will present to you in a moment in our today’s article! Just take a few minutes to read it!

Here are some great ideas for making key rings from recycled items. With a little creativity, you can reuse any material or raw material. And then create practical, beautiful crafts with it. In this particular case, it will be homemade key rings. Here are some noteworthy suggestions:

1. Homemade keychains made of bottle corks

Wine corks
  • You can either use the cork in its original shape and take the one you have at your disposal. You can also let your imagination run wild and cut it to the shape you want. Then sand it a bit to make it as smooth as possible.
  • You can also paint it in one color or make a multi-colored pattern. You can also decorate it any way you like.

Bottle corks are an ideal material that allows you to make homemade key rings in a rustic style. You probably already have several of them at home. Put this idea into practice and make yourself wonderful original key rings from bottle corks!

2. Homemade key rings with coffee pods

It is one of the most original handmade key rings made of recycled materials. Imagine carrying an aromatic coffee pod in your pocket or purse every day!

  • To make these types of homemade coffee key rings, all you need is a thick thread and a needle, adhesive tape, two coffee pods and a key ring.
  • First, wrap the edges of the sachets with adhesive tape. If you are concerned about a poor visual effect, let your imagination run wild and fold the tape in a fancy way.
  • Then use the needle and thread to sew both sachets at the opposite ends. They should form one whole with a large hole in the center.
  • Now thread the key ring through the center (if you have a large wooden one, the effect will be even better!). Your key ring is ready.

3. Caps after beer and carbonated drinks

After finishing your meal or party at home, you can use leftover metal bottle caps or beer caps.

  • First, wash them thoroughly.
  • Then make a hole in them with a punch (or just an ordinary nail) and a hammer.
  • Now pass the key ring through this keyhole.
  • Give these key rings to your friends and watch how happy you have made them!

4. Re-use of old, worn-out fabrics

Do you have any unworn clothes or old fabric at home? Whatever it is, you can breathe new life into those old fabrics and make homemade key rings from them. And in a shape, color and style that you choose yourself!

First, make a kind of small pocket or sachet out of this material. Now fill it with stuffing (for example, groats or rice) and sew it up.

Finally, make a small hole in one corner and put a key ring through it.

5. Aluminum cans

You know those aluminum latches you have to pull to open a soda can? They are perfect for creating a very original key ring.

Aluminium can

Collect a few of them, preferably in several colors. Then connect them together by threading a ribbon or string through the holes. This is to tie them together. Finally, simply pass the key ring through me to form a key ring.

6. Old buttons

If you have a box full of unused buttons at home and you are not sure what to do with them, we have the perfect solution for you!

Pull a string or thick thread through the holes in the various buttons to form a kind of chain or necklace. Tie the whole thing in a loop and thread the key ring through it. You can also pull a string through the holes in the keys themselves. You will receive a very colorful key ring this way!

7. Old metal forks

Isn’t it wonderful that you can even use the old cutlery that you have at home but don’t use anymore? However, in this case, you will need a bit of skill and strength or the right tools to be able to create homemade cutlery key rings.

Basically, the idea is to take a fork and bend its teeth. It should turn into something like a hand that bends the fingers.

Then put the key ring on the fork handle and use a hammer to bend it to close the entire ring. And it’s ready!

8. Homemade key rings from children’s shoes

Do you have a small child at home? Or maybe some old little shoes of his? If so, it’s a really great idea to take advantage of them. You’ll never have a prettier key ring again!

9. Necks of recycled plastic bottles

Of course, we need to add a keychain made from the necks of plastic bottles to this list. First, cut off the threaded part of the neck of the bottle with scissors or a knife. Then place it on a piece of cloth and cover with the other piece.

Now iron the whole thing with an iron, heated to the maximum temperature, until the plastic melts and flattens. Then put a piece of thick wire through the center of this key ring. And finally, roll it up and around the key ring to form a convenient key ring.

10. Beads and amulets

If you have a broken or broken bracelet at home, make homemade key rings with beads!

Beads for homemade key rings

Just use a thread or a fine wire to connect the whole thing as you see fit. Then put the key ring on the finished key ring and you will receive a unique ornament that all your friends will talk about for a long time!

11. Homemade key rings for keys made of Lego blocks or domino stones

If you have toys at home that no one uses anymore, don’t hesitate and use them as home-made key rings for the whole family! You can just take a Lego brick or a domino stone and make a hole in it with a nail and a hammer.

Then you just need to thread a string through the hole and attach it to the key ring. It really is that simple!

12. Plastic fruit baskets

Why not make a keychain out of plastic baskets used to pack strawberries?

Just wash and dry the baskets, and then make your own design. Now just cut the shape you want and make a hole in it to insert the key ring. And that’s all.

13. Flowers immortalized in photos in the illustrated magazine

This is a very unique idea that you’ve probably never seen before!

Paper flowers
  • First, cut one centimeter wide strips lengthwise from your favorite magazine.
  • Remember that the source of the stripes is pages with large photos of real flowers.
  • Then, roll up each strip and place a drop of glue on the end of each strip. Tape both ends together to make a narrow roll.
  • Now that you have a few ready rolls, leave one as is, rounded. Gently squeeze all the others with your fingers to give them an oval shape, as if they were flower petals.
  • Then place the round roll in the center and the petals around it.
  • When you are satisfied with the shape you get, spread glue around the circular piece and then attach all the petals to it to complete your paper flower.
  • Then let it all dry for at least an hour.
  • Finally, make a hole in one of the petals and attach a small key ring to it. This way, your homemade key ring will be ready!

Thanks to this clever technique, you can make various flower arrangements of any shape and color.

What do you think about the ideas for homemade keychains we presented above? Try them on your own!

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