Microwave Oven – Learn Amazing Tricks With It!

A microwave oven is a universal device without which many of us cannot imagine everyday life. It is absolutely irreplaceable in any kitchen and is not only used to heat and multiply food. When you learn her secrets, you’ll appreciate her even more!
Microwave oven - learn amazing tricks with it!

If you think that the microwave is only for instant reheating and defrosting of food or for making popcorn, you are very wrong! This device has many more uses than you might think. It will certainly help you get out of many situations and save time while cooking.

Undoubtedly, the greatest advantage of a microwave oven is its ability to quickly heat up or prepare certain dishes. What’s more, in this device you will heat up milk or boil water much faster than using a traditional cooker.

However, the advantages of this device do not end there. A microwave oven is much more versatile than you think. Learn a few tricks with us today that will make your daily cooking easier. We assure you that if you try them once, you will not want to go back to the old practices!

Microwave and corn

Instead of endlessly boiling the cob of corn in water, why not put it in the microwave for a while?

Corn on the cob

If you decide to do this, do not peel off the leaves from the flask. These will help keep the beans warm and humid, and will help to cook all the beans equally.

Set the microwave to high power and cook for 3-5 minutes. Once the stock is pulled out, the leaves will come off easily. However, remember to let the corn cool for a few minutes, otherwise it will be so hot that you will burn your fingers.

No more tears when slicing onions!

If slicing onions makes you cry, the microwave will save you from them! The trick we propose will surely delight you. Before you start cutting this vegetable, put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. You’ll be able to chop it up without shedding a tear!

How is this possible? When the onion is heat-treated, the enzymes responsible for releasing tear-inducing sulfuric acid fumes break down and, as a result, do not irritate the cook’s eyes.

Crispy crisps like right after opening the package!

Surely, more than once you have opened a packet of crisps and left it for several hours without proper closure. Then they lose their crunchiness, so we don’t feel like eating them anymore and usually end up in the garbage can.

However, you don’t have to waste food. All you have to do is spread such chips on a plate, then place it in the microwave and heat it for 30-45 seconds.

After that time, remove the plate and let the chips cool for a minute. See for yourself that the crisps will become crispy and delicious again, just like when you open the package! This trick is also helpful in “saving” damp-soaked popcorn .

Dried herbs

Some herbs cannot be eaten in their natural form right after they have been picked from the flower bed. However, if you want to use them immediately while they are still fresh and you don’t have time to dry them, take advantage of the magic properties of a microwave oven.

Dried herbs

Set the device to maximum power and heat it for 2-3 minutes to dry. However, remember to thoroughly remove excess water before putting them in the microwave. Otherwise, you will get cooked herbs instead of dried herbs.

Citrus fruits even juicier

The microwave oven is indispensable for extracting the maximum amount of citrus juice. Sometimes it’s just hard to squeeze out all the grapefruit, orange, lemon, lime juice… The fruit can be hard or not fully ripe.

Before juicing, put the fruit in the microwave for 20 seconds. See for yourself that the amount of juice obtained will be much greater than without the help of this device. The microwave oven “softens” the inside of the citrus so that the juice flows out without having to apply strong pressure.

Be sure to read: Paper towels – 10 new uses

A way to make stale bread

None of us are in favor of stale bread, we all love warm and crispy slices. However, we do not always want to throw away the bread from a few days ago or we simply do not have a bakery in the vicinity.

If you have a microwave oven at home, then you have nothing to worry about. It is enough to place a loaf of bread, a roll or a few slices of bread inside and heat them up.

Microwave oven: olive oil toast

Wrap them thoroughly with a damp cloth and put them in the microwave set to maximum power. Heat for 10-12 seconds. After this time has elapsed, check that the bread is softened. If not, repeat the process until you get the results you want.

The microwave oven makes the bread regain moisture and softness, thanks to which it becomes as fresh as straight from the bakery.

Microwave oven for cooking scrambled eggs

Would you like scrambled eggs? Forget the pan! Use a microwave oven to prepare a delicious breakfast. It will be faster and cleaner than with traditional cooking. Discover the recipe for such scrambled eggs!

  • Beat a few eggs with a little milk.
  • Add salt and pepper as desired, then heat on high heat for about 45 seconds.
  • Take the bowl out of the device and mix its contents with a fork. Then put the scrambled eggs in the microwave for another 30-45 seconds.
  • Repeat the process until you get your favorite scrambled texture.

Microwave baked potatoes? – Yes!

Most of us think that you need a deep fryer or a large pot with a lot of oil to prepare a baked potato or fries . And did you know that you can prepare delicious baked potatoes in the microwave? – Yes, although such an idea seems surprising, it is possible!

Fresh fries

The first step is to cut the potatoes into the thinnest strips possible. Then place them in a special vessel designed for microwave cooking.

Cooking time depends on the power of your microwave oven, but generally ranges from 3 to 5 minutes. After this time, the potatoes start to turn golden. When they are ready, just season them with salt and serve them to the table. Enjoy your meal!

Fried egg

The traditional preparation of fried eggs can be a bit of a pain. If you want to streamline this process, use a microwave instead of a pan.

How to prepare such an egg? Pour half a glass of water into a dish suitable for microwave ovens and add a pinch of salt to it. Then break the egg and put it in a bowl of water. Make sure it is completely submerged.

Cover the dish with a small saucer, put it in the microwave on maximum power and cook for a minute. The results are fantastic!

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