What To Do When The Baby Cries After Feeding?

When your baby cries after a feed, there may be various reasons for this. It is better not to ignore such symptoms. The situation should be assessed by a pediatrician.
What to do if your baby cries after feeding?

There are many reasons why a baby cries after being fed. However, it is always a source of stress and worry for parents. After all, it’s not normal for a baby to cry after eating. So what is this all about?

Find out about the possible causes of this situation and learn how to prevent them.

Why does a baby cry after feeding?

In order to remedy this, it is necessary to identify the causes. These may be different. Either way, it’s always a good idea to go to your pediatrician for a consultation.

Food allergies

Products should be introduced into the child's diet gradually and monitored for allergic reactions.

A breastfeeding mother should bear in mind that what she eats  is a source of food for her baby. This is why babies sometimes experience allergic reactions, according to  The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM). So the mother should identify the foods her baby cries after eating.

The same is true for babies crying after bottle feeding. If your little one is allergic to any of the ingredients in milk,  usually cow’s milk protein, it’s no wonder that he or she cries during and after feeding.

Therefore, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician about the symptoms experienced by the child and purchase hypoallergenic milk.

Some foods eaten by the mother affect food

It is possible that something that the mother eats is irritating to the nursing baby. These products are better avoided while breastfeeding:

  • Pods (chickpeas, peas).
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Spicy foods.
  • Onion.
  • Coffee.
  • Broccoli and cauliflower.


An insufficiently developed digestive system can cause discomfort.

Food enters the stomach through the esophagus. When reflux occurs, the stomach contents rise and cause irritation. It’s an unpleasant feeling. No wonder the  baby cries if he experiences it.

In toddlers, the  muscles of the esophagus are not fully developed. Therefore, stomach contents sometimes regress. This is a common problem in young children. In addition to crying, your baby may vomit milk. Once the esophageal muscles develop, these symptoms should disappear.

Reflux is normal, however. If it  persists for too long (over 12 months), it can lead to gastro-oesophageal reflux disease  that requires treatment. According to the  Loyola University Medical Center, the symptoms of this ailment include:

  • Vomiting after eating.
  • Belching of food even after the age of 1.
  • Irritability and crying after eating.
  • Reluctance to eat.
  • Hiccups.
  • Weight loss.

If such symptoms occur, diagnostic tests should be performed and  appropriate treatment initiated.

Inappropriate technique

It is possible that your  baby is being fed in the wrong position  or in a way that encourages him to gulp down air or eat too quickly. Then it can lead to unpleasant ailments.

What to do when a baby cries after feeding?

Baby cries after feeding?  Appropriate posture during breastfeeding can help prevent crying after a meal.

Depending on the cause, specific solutions can be applied. However, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

  • A breastfeeding mother should take care of a  balanced, healthy diet consisting of non-irritating products. Therefore, it is better to avoid drinking coffee.
  • Allow your baby to burp after a meal. This prevents gas accumulation.
  • Maintain an appropriate feeding position and technique so that the baby does not eat too quickly and does not swallow air.
  • Change the milk  after consulting your doctor. It is possible that the baby is allergic to milk proteins. However, this should result from the doctor’s decision.

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