When The Kidneys Cry For Help!

When the kidneys cry for help!

The kidneys  are extremely important organs without which the proper functioning of the body, and even life, is impossible. Therefore, we should never forget about them and at any time take care of the kidneys so that they can carry out their work unscathed for many years. However, sometimes we endanger them by improper diet or not drinking enough water. This is when the first signals appear that the kidneys are not working properly. Find out about some obvious signs of the onset of kidney problems and don’t be surprised!

Sick kidneys? several symptoms that indicate their disease

It is very important to learn more about ourselves and our body. The more we know, the faster we will react to the beginnings of problems, if necessary, and as you know, sometimes quick diagnosis is the key to recovery. The most important thing is to listen carefully to your body because it sends us signals when something is wrong. On the other hand, one must not become obsessed and attribute every little symptom to a severe disease. The symptoms of kidney disease are quite obvious, so it doesn’t hurt to look at them.

1. Changes in urination

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This is the most obvious symptom and the easiest to observe that indicates that your kidneys are not working properly

  • when we have to get up more often than usual at night , and after reaching the toilet we pass no more than a few drops of urine
  • changes in the color of the urine. Apart from the fact that we give it back more often than usual, it takes on a darker color (similar to the color of Coca-Cola, which is caused by traces of blood) and may be foamed.

2. Fatigue

Sometimes, for no specific reason, we can get tired. All we have to do is go up a few floors, walk for a while and we feel exhausted. When you come home from work, you think of nothing but going to bed and plunging into a deep sleep.

What is this fatigue and lack of energy? Healthy kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin, which carries oxygen into the blood. However, if the kidneys are abnormal, the production of this hormone decreases and the kidneys start to work worse. All this contributes to the fact that the muscles tire faster because the amount of red blood cells and thus the transport of oxygen decreases. This can result in anemia or anemia, and we should be especially alert to this.

3. Edema

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Do you have swollen ankles? Swollen legs? Having trouble putting on your shoes? It’s possible it’s a kidney malfunction, but don’t panic! It can also be a common blood circulation problem due to, for example, a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the edema is accompanied by other symptoms, such as hair loss, swelling of the face or fingers. All of this may indicate that the kidneys have a problem with getting rid of the excess fluid that is starting to accumulate in the body.

4. Rash and eyestrain

It is a different itch than we are used to. It feels as if our bones are itchy, and even the blood itself. This is quite a tiring symptom because the kidneys do not remove all impurities from the blood. Accumulation of them – causes unpleasant sensations.

5. Metallic taste in the mouth

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Another fact that we should pay special attention to. With kidney problems, it is possible that the food will lose its original taste, it no longer tastes the same. In addition, the breath is characterized by the unpleasant smell of ammonia. Taste disturbances can cause loss of appetite as everything starts to taste like iron and metal. This is a clear sign of kidney disease, and if you have similar symptoms, don’t ignore them and see a doctor as soon as possible!

6. Nausea and discomfort

As you know, there are many factors that can make us feel uncomfortable and anxious. However, if the nausea continues for an alarmingly long time, we should consult a doctor. This may be the result of the accumulation of a large amount of unremoved impurities and toxins in the blood, which may eventually result in chronic renal failure.

7. Feeling cold

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As a result of a decrease in red blood cells and anemia, a person becomes more sensitive to changes in temperature, and especially to cold. Especially the feet and hands are icy cold, which is very characteristic of kidney problems.

8 Back pain on one side and swollen legs

Has it ever happened to you? Don’t worry, this is not yet a kidney problem, as it can be caused by many other factors. Should be a cause for concern when it occurs regularly and lasts for several days in a row. When you have lower back or side pain, a leg is swollen and you feel an unexplained pressure on your bladder, it’s time to intervene!

Pay special attention to whether the pain in the back persists only on one and the same side, because this may indicate that the cause of the ailment is the kidney. It may be caused by polycystic kidney disease, a disease in which fluid-filled cysts form in the kidneys, and sometimes also in the liver, causing severe pain.

In conclusion, never ignore the above symptoms and signals that your body sends you! Let’s not become obsessed either, but if the symptoms persist for a long time and you feel bad, do not hesitate for a moment, just seek the advice of a specialist who will surely find an explanation and recommend a treatment that will surely return everything to normal!

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