Asperger’s Syndrome And Its Symptoms – Facts And Myths

Boys are much more likely to suffer from Asperger’s syndrome. However, it is not an easy to diagnose disease.
Asperger's Syndrome and Its Symptoms - Facts and Myths

Asperger ‘s syndrome is a neurobiological disorder that significantly affects social and interpersonal competences. Nowadays it is a relatively frequently diagnosed disorder. It is estimated that for every 1,000 children between the ages of 7 and 16, Asperger’s syndrome affects 3 to 5 of them.

However, this applies to boys much more often than girls.

The disease was first described in 1944 by the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger. It was he who first drew attention to the behavioral disorders of children with specific characteristics. We now know that Asperger’s disease is not just a problem in children.

This disorder lasts a lifetime, but functioning in society can be made easier for a sick person through appropriate therapy and treatment.

Asperger’s syndrome was included in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-4) for the first time. However, it was only in DSM-5 that this disorder was included in the so-called autism spectrum.

Many other disorders are found in the various subcategories of autism. Asperger’s syndrome, however, is one of the milder forms of the disease.

Asperger’s syndrome – characteristic features

Asperger’s Syndrome is still a mysterious and relatively poorly known disorder, not only among the general public, but even among medical professionals. It is not an easy to diagnose disorder, especially since symptoms are often not very visible.

Many children do not show any more serious signs of the disorder. They function normally, showing even special giftedness in specific areas.

Child psychologist and Asperger's Syndrome

It is only when we take a closer look at how a child functions in interpersonal situations that we can conclude that his behavior deviates from the norm. At first glance, children struggling with Asperger Syndrome may seem a bit clumsy – both motorically and socially.

Their social networking problems, however, may indicate that they fall within the autism spectrum disorder with their disorder.

Symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome

The brain of a person with Asperger Syndrome is different from that of a healthy person. Researchers indicate that the cause may be genetic – especially since there are often multiple autism spectrum disorders in the same family.

Conversation with a psychologist and Asperger Syndrome

How is this disease manifested? Here are the most characteristic features of a person with Asperger’s Syndrome:

  • Very limited interests.
  • Motor disorders.
  • Poor resistance to failure, frustration.
  • Difficulty making contacts.
  • Great pattern recognition ability.
  • Emotional reactions disproportionate to the situation.
  • The need to follow a specific routine (very bad reaction to breaking it or disturbing it).
  • Problems making eye contact, difficulty communicating.
  • Selective silence – The person only talks to a limited number of people. Often this symptom disappears as a result of successful therapy.

Longer conversations are tedious and even impossible for a person with Asperger Syndrome. Most often, she does not show interest in other people’s statements. There is also often a problem with understanding the principles in which the Asperger sufferer did not participate.

It is also related to a lack of empathy and the inability to read non-verbal cues, such as body language.

Diagnosis and predictions

Asperger’s Syndrome is a disorder that is relatively difficult to diagnose. Often the symptoms of this disease in children are taken as an example of bad behavior or unpleasant character. Such perception of disorders is a problem because many people with autism spectrum disorders are not diagnosed on time and it significantly hinders the process of therapy and treatment.

The diagnosis should be made by a specialist – a child psychologist. The observation in conjunction with the data obtained from the closest ones allows Mr.

Asperger's syndrome - diagnosis

make an accurate diagnosis and develop an action plan for the next stages. Many people with Asperger’s Syndrome are able to function well in society. Of course, you need adequate support from parents or teachers.

Their proper preparation can make it much easier for a person suffering from Asperger to enter adult life.

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