Five Tips To Respond Appropriately When Someone Is Mistreating You.

If the person who treats us badly belongs to our immediate circle, we must tell him straight out that if he does not change his attitude, we will be forced to distance himself from him for our own good.
When someone treats you badly, indulge in these 5 things

When someone treats you badly, you have three options: react intelligently, allow yourself to be degraded, or react aggressively. The truth is, it’s not easy to react when someone treats you badly . This is because strong emotions are involved and specific areas of our brain react.

When someone disrespects us or goes so far as to intimidate us, the prefrontal cortex, amygdala and other areas in our brain are activated. They are inseparable from our survival instinct and, when faced with danger, they react by encouraging us to fight or flee.

When someone treats you badly, it’s worth learning to deal with the situation from an emotional intelligence perspective. Thanks to this, we will be sure that anger or fear will not take control of us.

In today’s article, we encourage you to analyze the five permissions you should give yourself when someone treats you badly. We are sure that they will be very useful to you.

1. When someone treats you badly, allow yourself to be reminded of who you are and how much you mean

When someone treats you badly, they exceed the healthy limits of what is allowed. If it weakens your self-esteem through humiliation, aggressive words, humiliation and cheating, it has gone way too far.

  • When we are treated like this, we feel trapped because we are attacked by what has cost us so much to build: our concept of ourselves, our self-esteem, our sense of security and integrity.
  • When someone treats you badly and lets you know that you are worthless, the worst possible reactions are anger and aggression.

This is why you need to take the first step: realize that the other person’s perspective does not tell you what reality is. It should be remembered that we are valuable and deserve respect, and that we are able to achieve whatever we choose.

What someone thinks and says about us does not define us in any way. When someone treats you badly, use common sense instead of emotions and remind yourself of it.

Allow yourself to set limits on aggression

Imagine the following situation: around you there is a golden circle resembling a lifebuoy or a pontoon. It is he who keeps you on the surface of all situations in your life: in family, at work, among friends …

  • This is the secret of your strength, the daily energy that opens your way. But sometimes there is someone who wants to get too close.
  • Behind his back, he carries a sharp needle that he plans to insert into your golden lifebuoy. He wants to deflate them of the air that lifts them to the surface.

Once that happens, you suddenly start to sink.

Woman on the meadow and rainbow

Don’t let this happen: you have every right to prevent this from happening. You have the right to defend yourself and set clear boundaries on what you allow and don’t agree to.

This is the first and fundamental law of mental health: If something or someone is irritating or hurting you, react. Don’t let anyone get close enough to hurt you.

3. Allow yourself to communicate assertively

These two emotions completely overwhelm the rational part of our personality, taking away our courage and confidence when expressing our opinions.

  • First and foremost, stay calm. Only in this way will you be able to communicate in an assertive way.
  • Imagine a palace, a white room with open shutters through which beautiful, bright light shines in. Get in there and breathe. Nothing other people say or do can make you forget how valuable you are.

When you feel that you are calm, speak up. Acting with assertiveness means being able to express your opinion respectfully but also firmly. This way you are able to clearly define what you will allow and what you will not allow.

Speak without fear, defend yourself.

4. Allow yourself to distance yourself from the person who treats you badly

When someone treats you badly, they don’t deserve your time or your care. You have to accept the fact that some people just love to cause problems, infect with bad mood and contempt for people who do not deserve to be mistreated.

Flowers on the bush
  • Sometimes, however, it turns out that the people who hurt us the most are also the closest to us: they can be colleagues, family, or even a partner.
  • Another rule that we must remember to maintain mental health is the fact that when someone treats you badly, it shows that they do not respect you, show empathy, or empathize with your emotions.
  • If we expose ourselves to this type of negative influence every day, it will definitely hurt us.
  • It is necessary to take the time to think it over and make the right decision: we must make it clear that we cannot tolerate this behavior. It should also be said that if the person does not change their behavior, we will be forced to move away.

5. Allow yourself to heal the wound and be a stronger person

It’s never nice when someone treats you badly. It should be admitted, however, that the people closest to our heart cause us the most pain, because it is them that we bestow on them. Partner, siblings, mother, father …

When someone who is very important to you breaks the boundaries of what is allowed and shows you disrespect, many planes break down inside you.

  • Sometimes distance isn’t enough. The trace of disappointment is very clear and requires healing.
  • Give yourself time. You need to be alone with yourself to do whatever brings you relief and relief: walk, write, paint, travel, spend time in your favorite activities.
Woman with arms outstretched

There are many activities that can make us feel good. The best form, however, is to surround yourself with people who truly love us and therefore also deserve to be loved by us.

For just as there are people who can bring you dark clouds and sad days, there are also people who help us rebuild ourselves. Look for them and let them come into your life.

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