When A Sprained Ankle Does Not Let You Free Yourself From Pain

A sprained ankle causes severe pain and does not allow us to walk or move as we would like. It is very important then to have measures at hand that will bring relief and enable faster regeneration.
When a sprained ankle does not let you free yourself from pain

A sprained ankle will certainly not let you forget about pain quickly. Accidents that lead to this condition happen more often than you might think. This problem is especially true for those of us who wear high heels a lot.

The pain caused by a sprained ankle  can be very intense. For this reason, we are often unable to move freely for at least several days. How can this problem be dealt with?

Sprained ankle – how did it happen?

First of all, you need to understand exactly what an ankle sprain is and how it occurs. For this, we need to understand how the ligaments work. These are elastic tissues that give stability to the joints and are a kind of “cords” that allow movement.

When they are overstressed, for example if the foot is not positioned correctly, they can break. This is where the twist occurs. This is most often the case with the ankle, especially in active people.

Wine vinegar – it is used to disinfect and properly moisturize the compress. For women who wear high heels, sprains of the ankle are more common than usual due to the specific position of the foot. Where only the toes support the foot, the rest is unstable and the ligaments are more susceptible to stress.

So you don’t have to fall over or bend your ankle the wrong way to get injured: a pair of high-heeled shoes is enough.

Sprained ankle – what you can do

As soon as the injury occurs, it is very important to immobilize the injured foot, that is, walk as little as possible, and preferably lie down. There are natural remedies that can be used to treat a sprained ankle and regenerate damaged tissues, ligaments and tendons. Among them we recommend:

1. Wrap of red clay and wine vinegar

This is a very old remedy that may have been used by your mother or grandmother. It allows you to heal any injury, including an ankle sprain. The compress is a fairly thick and slightly sticky mixture that is applied medicinally to various parts of the body.

Clay has many healing properties: it heals wounds, prevents infections, calms, soothes inflammation and remineralises. As for wine vinegar, it is used to disinfect and properly moisturize the compress. It will also prevent bruising.



  • 1 cup of powdered red clay (180 g)
  • Wine vinegar (just the right amount to make a mush)
  • Transparent foil

What should you do?

  • Place a glass of red clay in a large bowl and add the vinegar by mixing with both hands.
  • The idea is to get a paste that is easy to apply to the affected area.
  • Leave to dry (the clay will harden), wrap it with a transparent foil or foil bag, and after 20 minutes remove with warm or lukewarm water.

2. Ice

Using cold compresses is one of the best ways to reduce the inflammation that a sprained ankle causes. However, to be effective, ice must be placed as soon as possible after the injury has occurred.

What should you do?

  • Put a few ice cubes in a plastic bag and place on the affected area with light pressure.
  • Lie down on a couch or bed and place your foot high above your heart level to prevent blood from pooling. This will reduce the swelling.
  • Hold the ice for 15 minutes, wait half an hour, and put it back down.

3. Epsom salt

The bitter salt crystals contain magnesium, a mineral that is very effective in relieving muscle pain.


  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • ½ cup of Epsom salt (75 g)
  • What should you do?
  • Heat a liter of water and pour it into a container. Add half a cup of Epsom salt and mix well to dissolve it, then let it cool.
  • When the liquid is at room temperature (it can be mixed with cold water), put on the foot and leave it for half an hour. Repeat the treatment twice a day.

4. Hot compresses

When 24 hours have passed since you sprained your ankle and the swelling has subsided somewhat, the pain is likely to be less. That doesn’t mean we can’t do anything to make ourselves feel even better.

Warm compresses can be of great help as they stimulate blood circulation and help the muscles recover. You can put a wet cloth with hot water, use an electric pad, or cover your foot with a few blankets.

Ankle - a sore spot

5. Chamomile

Many natural herbs can be effective when you have an ankle sprain. In addition to chamomile, you can use horsetail, burdock or comfrey.


  • 4 tablespoons of the herb of your choice (60 g)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)

What should you do?

  • Add the herb of your choice to a bowl of boiling water, similar to Epsom salt.
  • All of these plants have anti-inflammatory and muscle-soothing properties. Keep the water warm when you put your foot on and let it sit for at least 20 minutes.

6. Cayenne Pepper


  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)
  • 1 pinch of cayenne pepper

What should you do?

In a cup of hot water, dissolve a pinch of cayenne pepper and soak a cloth or cotton ball. Wash the sore spots and do not rinse.

In the event that the patient has a sprained ankle, we recommend that you consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Home remedies only serve as a complement to therapy or as first aid.

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