Plants In The Kitchen – 5 Benefits Of Having Them

Depending on the plant you put in your kitchen, you might have a spice or an air purifier. Discover other advantages of creating a green garden in this room.
Plants in the kitchen - 5 benefits of having them

Lavender, aloe, basil, mint and rosemary are some of the plants you can have in your kitchen. Most importantly, plants in the kitchen can provide you with various benefits.

One advantage is that when space is limited, you can find a way to place plants in the kitchen without losing their decorative character. Here are some tips and benefits of having your green area in the kitchen area.

1. Some plants in the kitchen add variety to meals

Aromatic plants used in the kitchen give our dishes a special flavor, and the great advantage is that they are fresh and always at hand. Many people say that when you grow your own aromatic plants, they have a more concentrated fragrance.

Some ideas for green pots are basil, rosemary, coriander, parsley, oregano, and mint. You are surely wondering which dish each of these aromatic spices are added to. To start growing them in your kitchen, you only need to take care of one important detail.

Just make sure the decorative pot or container where you will plant the plant has holes in the bottom. Thanks to them, excess water will be able to leak onto the base each time you water it.

2. They are a home first aid kit

Anyone can have a minor accident while cooking. Either being cut with a knife blade or scalded with oil, water or a hot frying pan. While you may have your first aid kit at your fingertips, there are people who say a piece of aloe vera helps regenerate the skin as well as moisturize and relieve pain.

However, take into account that aloe vera requires a place with natural light and ventilation, so it should be placed near a window. If your plant is large, be careful not to over-water it as you can flood its roots.

Not only aloe has healing properties. Virtually every herb that enriches the taste of dishes also helps with various ailments. Oregano tea, for example, is great for digestive problems.

Aloe Vera has healing properties, which is why many use it on wounds on the skin.

3. Plants in the kitchen add a fresh, decorative touch

Undoubtedly, plants decorate the house. They bring life, color, joy and suit any style, and also give a room a fresh fragrance for a long time.

Decorating your kitchen with plants is also a great opportunity to express your creativity. Decorating a can or making a pot yourself, in which you can plant your plants, will give your kitchen a unique and authentic touch. Get to work!

4. Growing plants helps to get rid of stress

A review of research published in Preventive Medicine Reports suggests that gardening can help reduce anxiety, depression and even body mass index (BMI). In addition, it improves the quality of life and provides a sense of satisfaction.

Spending time looking after your plants doesn’t just help you feel reassured. By carrying out activities such as transplanting, pruning or watering, you can distract yourself from the routine and worries of everyday life.

5. Plants in the kitchen clean the air

Some plants are well known for their filtering or air purifying properties. In addition to providing oxygen, they help reduce smoke and strong odors that are so typical in the kitchen. To name a few examples, we will say that Guinean Sanseveria, or the popular Dracaena, areca from the stain family, and the rubber tree are reliable for this purpose.

Tips for having plants in your kitchen

Plants require specific conditions and care. Also take into account that not all plants can survive in warm kitchen temperatures.

Therefore, we are giving you some tips that may come in handy. When choosing and caring for it, pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Check in advance which plants can be most useful in the kitchen.
  • Make sure the place where you put the plants is far enough away from the heat of the burners, smoke and strong drafts.
  • Place the pots in a bright place, but one where the sun does not shine directly for many hours.
  • If your kitchen doesn’t have a lot of space, hanging pots are a good option.
  • Avoid placing plants near the kitchen sink as waste or detergent may fall on them.

Plants in the kitchen: benefits beyond aesthetics

Greenery can fit perfectly into any style and interior of the home. However, the most noteworthy fact is that plants in the kitchen can bring many benefits. The most important of these include reducing anxiety and depression, air purification, and emergency healing properties.

Gardening activities have been associated with an improvement in quality of life in particular for the elderly. The mood clearly improves when we invest time in taking care of nature.

In addition , you always have fresh herbs on hand, ready for the natural seasoning of your meals. The taste of such dishes is unique. You just have to remember to put them in places where there is no direct smoke from the burners and there is no strong draft. In addition, each pot should have a sufficient number of drainage holes in the bottom during watering.

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