Abdominal Muscles – 6 Exercises To Strengthen Them

As time passes, you can gradually increase the intensity of your exercise, but in the initial stages, keep in mind that you should focus on slowly strengthening your abdominal muscles to prevent injuries and possible injuries that are difficult to heal later.
Abdominal muscles - 6 exercises to strengthen them

The abdominal muscles are generally the area of ​​your body that inspires the greatest determination to train, as they are directly related to a slim figure and an attractive figure.

That’s unfortunate, however, consists that just the abdominal muscles are one of the most difficult and to train the sculpting. It is in the abdominal cavity, because fluid is most often retained and fat stores are deposited. This is the result of an incorrect diet and all kinds of inflammatory ailments and infections.

The main key to success, which are nicely sculpted abdominal muscles, is basing your daily diet on low-calorie foods, which additionally contain large amounts of essential nutrients.

Flat belly

But to have a flat stomach and strong abs, you also need to follow a carefully selected exercise schedule that includes all muscle groups, not just the “six-pack.”

The benefit of this is that your spine and many other organs will also benefit from the fact that you’ve decided to keep in shape and start exercising your abs. Health itself!

But the most enjoyable aspect of this is that you can do virtually anything at home. Knock yourself immediately from the head all the excuses about the fact that you do not have enough free time to go regularly to the gym.

And to make your first steps even easier, we present below six different exercises for the abdominal muscles that will allow you to quickly and efficiently get into the rhythm of daily physical activity. There is no need to dwell on it anymore, it’s time to get down to business! To work!

1. Plank – a simple and excellent exercise for the abdominal muscles

Plank commonly known as the “board” is a classic exercise not only your abdominal muscles, but also the entire body. The most important thing when doing it is to focus on maintaining the correct position of the body, because only thanks to it you can evenly tense all muscles, avoiding excessive strain on them and thus the risk of injury.


How should you do this exercise correctly?

  • Lie face down on the mat for yoga and then lift the body on his hands, straightening his shoulders and leaning on toes.
  • Keep your whole body straight and you will quickly feel your abs working intensively.
  • Maintain this position for about 45 to 60 seconds, and then rest.
  • Initially limit yourself to 3 repetitions, after a few days you can slowly increase the number of repetitions.

2. A board with support on the elbows

It is a variation of the exercise described above. The only difference is propping up the upper body on your elbows, not on straight arms, the rest remains unchanged. It is well suited for beginners, because it uses less abdominal muscles, allowing for a greater number of repetitions and longer perform a single exercise.

How should you do this exercise correctly?

  • Lean on the ground using your forearms and toes.
  • Lift your hips a little higher and make sure your back is perfectly straight.
  • Try to make your body form a straight line from the toes to the top of your head.
  • Flex your abs as much as you can and hold on for 60 seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise 3 to 5 times.

3. Tree position

This exercise can be used to tone your muscles while training your concentration and balance.

Yoga - Tree Pose

How should you properly perform this abdominal exercise?

  • Raise your right knee and bring it as close to your chest as possible, shifting your full body weight onto your left leg.
  • Grasp the ankle with your hands and rest the sole of your right foot on the inside of your left thigh.
  • Try to maintain this posture by tensing your muscles and bringing your hands together on your chest.
  • Then slowly raise your hands and focus your eyes on a single point.
  • Take 10 deep breaths, rest for a while, and repeat the exercise changing your legs.

4. Raising the hips on the abdominal muscles

Lifting the hips is a very healthy physical exercise that tones the skin and buttocks, as well as shaping the abdominal muscles. However, maintaining the correct position requires a little concentration and general endurance. This is usually not an easy task.

How should you do this exercise correctly?

  • Lie down on a mat to exercise on his back, face up, bend your knees and grab the ankle hands.
  • Then take a deep breath and raise your pelvis all the way up.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold this position without lifting your feet off the floor.
  • Try to hold out for 45 seconds, then rest for a moment and repeat the same exercise 5 times.

5. Starfish

The exercise described in this section may seem quite strenuous at first, but as you gain experience, it will become easier and easier to do – and it is great for abdominal muscles.

Starfish - exercises for the abdominal muscles

The key to success is to start the exercise slowly and gradually increase the speed of the exercise.

How should you properly perform this abdominal exercise?

  • Lie on the mat for yoga and lift the arms and legs up as if to touch the ceiling.
  • Then raise your head and shoulders so that they are not in contact with the mat, while spreading your arms and legs to the sides (to resemble a starfish – hence the name of this exercise).
  • Carefully lower your shoulders and head back to the starting position.
  • Repeat the entire exercise 6 to 10 times.

6. Pulling the knees up to the chest on the abdominal muscles

Pulling the knees to the chest, at the same time tightening the abdominal muscles, perfectly affects their shape and also increases the flexibility of individual muscle fibers.

If you can keep your balance without letting your legs drop, you will also work on shaping your buttocks.

How should you do this exercise correctly?

  • Sit on the ground with your legs as straight as possible.
  • Bend your knees and press them against your chest.
  • Try to keep your calves parallel to the ground, and breathe in slowly as you stretch.
  • Remember that your back must always be straight and concentrate on contracting your abs.

Finally, a piece of advice: don’t forget that in order to get good results from these exercises, you need to do the exercises consistently and at the same time follow a healthy and well-balanced diet.

Try to modify each of the positions described above to avoid possible injuries if you experience pain or excessive muscle tension. But start exercising today!

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