Dry Skin: How To Cure It Once And For All

As with any other organ in our body, we also need to take care of our skin. But don’t worry. It is enough to follow a simple daily moisturizing procedure, which will help to effectively prevent the surface from drying out. Here are some ideas to help you cure dry skin once and for all.
Dry skin: how to cure it once and for all

The skin is by far the largest organ in the human body and protects us from all external influences. But as with any other organ, we need to take care of it. Contrary to what you might think, the biggest threats to her are not the wounds and abrasions, but the dryness of the skin.

This problem may occur with us, for example, due to prolonged exposure to sunlight, the use of strong cosmetics full of chemicals and sudden changes in temperature. In this way, our skin suffers from changes in its texture and the effects of various external factors, which results in skin dryness .

Fortunately, there are excellent ways to cure this ailment.

Dry skin can also be a warning sign letting us know that our body is dehydrated. In any case, dry, dull, and generally poor-looking skin is indicative of some sort of health problem.

Not to mention the fact that it is also not very desirable from the point of view of aesthetics, which especially distracts women from sleep. We all want to have perfectly moisturized skin and a healthy-looking face. However, if you notice that you have dry skin, you can find a helping hand in our blog, a step to health.

In our today’s article, we’re going to present you some great ideas that you should put into practice to cure dry skin once and for all.

Where does dry skin come from?

While dry skin can sometimes be genetically inherited from our ancestors, it can also be caused by factors such as climate, excessive sun exposure, lack of care, or skin conditions.

With really very dry skin, people may feel itchy or see it peeling. This state of affairs can cause pain and in some cases may even start to appear pustules and ulcers, which is a sign of developing inflammation of the skin.

Dry skin

Most cases of dry skin, however, are simply caused by not caring for it properly. The use of aggressive soaps, no special moisturizing or sunscreen etc. are examples of the most common methods of improper skin care.

You can solve all of the above-mentioned problems by following the steps and tips that will help revive the health of your skin. Therefore, we invite you to read!

How to effectively cure dry skin?

Generally speaking, there are certain treatments that (preferably all at once) will take care of our skin at the most basic level.

Just remember not to overuse hot water, focus on choosing a soap with a neutral pH level, moisturize the skin after each long bath and use creams that provide effective sun protection (i.e. with a minimum UV filter of 400). The issues listed here are essential for your daily routine to keep your skin healthy and in good condition.

However, for people whose dry skin has turned into a really bothersome problem that significantly hinders the functioning of each subsequent day, there are some noteworthy tricks that can be invaluable help in improving the quality and condition of the skin. Just remember to follow the recommendations below every day, and the results will come soon:

Healthy diet

As we mentioned earlier, a balanced diet is a key factor in improving overall health, and our skin is no exception. Consuming vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables will help to moisturize your skin from the inside out, giving it a healthy glow and attractive appearance.

The amount of water you drink during the day is also extremely important. Remember that while you do not have to strictly follow the 2-liter per day rule, you should still drink as much water as your body needs. Water is essential to keep your body hydrated, so be sure to include it in your diet.

Regular skin exfoliation (peeling)

While many people believe exfoliation dries out the skin even more, the reality is that this treatment helps repair and regenerate the skin’s surface. Thanks to this, it will be able to moisturize faster and accurately due to the fact that the exfoliation procedure eliminates dead epidermal cells causing dry skin.


Use your favorite natural peeling product, whether it’s salt, sugar or coffee. Choose one that is not too rough for your skin type. Then rub it in with circular motions to remove all dead skin cells.

Cow milk

The properties of cow’s milk do not come down to just drinking it. It has many more interesting uses. It is enough to mention here that milk is great for combating dry skin due to its valuable moisturizing properties.

How to use these qualities of milk? It’s easy:

  • Fill your bathtub with milk and immerse your entire body (or just the area where you feel dry skin) for at least 20 minutes.
  • Then wash the milk off your body with warm (but not hot) water, without soap.
  • The proteins contained in the milk will be able to penetrate your skin, providing it with a healthy glow and excellent hydration.

Oils and olives

Skin oils and olives contain numerous vitamins and nutrients that are perfect for fighting such unpleasant phenomena as dry skin.

Essential oils

To take advantage of their properties, simply add a few tablespoons of olive oil to your daily moisturizer. Thanks to this, you will get additional moisturizing effects that are perfect for your skin. Use this improved cream on the driest areas of your skin once or twice a day.

Toning preparations

Special toning preparations can be used for the face, which is one of the most dry skin areas. Such tonics will help you cleanse the skin and remove makeup residues from the face, and additionally moisturize the skin surface even more.

Make yourself a face tonic using olive oil and cow’s milk.

  • Just add four tablespoons of milk to four tablespoons of olive oil and mix it well.
  • Using a cotton swab, dip it in the tonic so obtained and rub it on your face.
  • Repeat this twice a day, morning and evening.
  • You will see the results of this treatment in just a few days and your face will be more hydrated.

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