Feeling Guilty About These 5 Things? End Of It!

Being constantly guilty can be an extremely debilitating and dangerous feeling. Think about whether you really have anything to apologize for.
Feeling guilty about these 5 things?  End of it!

Some of us feel guilty  almost every day. We can blame ourselves for countless things – for words, gestures, actions, actions or lack of action.

Of course,  the sense of  guilt  is closely related to our conscience and what we think is morally correct or not. It is worth emphasizing, however, that chronic blame for everything is extremely debilitating and cannot be afforded.

Feeling guilty from time to time is okay, as it helps us improve our conduct and become better people. It’s beneficial and necessary to develop in terms of personality and relationships with other people.

However, it is worth emphasizing that our health and mental and emotional well-being depends primarily on balance. What we mean here is that everything is too damaging – especially if it is unreasonable and chronic guilt.

When your remorse exceeds a healthy limit, your personal freedom and mental balance are upset. Too heavy a burden of guilt takes away the joy of life and makes us become closed, sad people, unable to cope with our own emotions.

Be sure to read on and learn about 5 things you should never ever feel guilty about.

Guilt – When you shouldn’t feel it

1. When you say “no”

Assertiveness is a key skill for our self-esteem. Being able to say “no” in the right situations is an act of personal courage that is worth exercising on a daily basis. The fact that you refuse someone and directly disagree with something allows you to keep your comfort and safety zone intact.


Moreover, you provide the environment with clear information about where your limits lie and what they should not do. Never feel guilty when you say “no” – it’s necessary and necessary, you have every right to do so.

2. When you do what you think is right

If you need a moment for yourself, if you need to get away from your responsibilities and focus on yourself – do it.

Don’t let anyone tell yourself that the needs of others always come first, high above yours. Making informed decisions is the key to living in harmony with yourself. Take away guilt when you do what you think is right.

3. Guilt when you say what you think

Each of us is guided in life by certain values, has our own views and principles. So you can never feel guilty when you say what you think and don’t give in to pressure from others – even when they are the majority.

We are often afraid to speak openly because we do not want to hurt someone or to embarrass ourselves. What’s more, we don’t want to disappoint someone, which often means telling someone the truth in the eye.

Woman in a cage

Remember that feeling guilty in such a situation is not a good response. The truth is the most important thing – do not hide it, just take care of the form in which you present it to someone. Thanks to this you will avoid conflicts, you will clearly define your limits and help others to understand you.

Just do it – say what you think openly! Silence and hiding secrets is often a symptom of immaturity, and in addition very destructive from the inside.

4. Feeling guilty when you walk away from someone who hurts you

It is one of the most serious sources of remorse and guilt; however, you must know that you must not feel guilty about wanting to be happy and free from toxic relationships.

Toxic people are not only those closest to us – such as family and friends – but also other people who, although our relationships are quite limited, still have a very negative impact on our mental well-being.

There are people among us who worsen our mood with their mere presence and with whom we are unable to cooperate or stay without stress and without problems. Believe me – you don’t have to spend time with someone who affects you this way.

You also don’t have to pretend the problem doesn’t exist and forcefully show your sympathy. If you need it – go away, cut yourself off. But don’t allow yourself to feel guilty about it!

5. When you don’t live up to expectations

Believe me – sometimes you are your own worst enemy. Very often we set ourselves goals and expectations which – as it turns out later – we are unable to meet. This causes us a strong sense of guilt and frustration.

However, you need to understand that you can’t keep feeling guilty about not being good enough for others. When we do not get our dream job or lose weight, remorse makes us slaves to our own ambitions.

A drawing of a woman feeling guilty

Cut yourself off from this mindset and break free from this mental prison. Do not set yourself too high expectations – you are only human, you do not have to become a superhero right away. Respect yourself and surely others will also appreciate what kind of person you are.

In conclusion, guilt is sometimes needed to help shape our personality and character. However, it is worth not to become obsessed and not blame yourself for wanting to be yourself and live in accordance with your beliefs.

Allow yourself freedom and happiness – make your own decisions and don’t feel guilty!

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