How To Prepare For The Arrival Of The Baby? Some Tips

The arrival of a child into the world completely changes the lives of his parents, siblings and even pets. In our today’s article, you’ll find out how you can prepare for this extremely important moment in your life!
How to prepare for the arrival of your baby?  A few tips

Preparing for your baby’s arrival is much more than just buying a crib or changing table. Parents, siblings, and even pets need to be emotionally prepared for major life changes to come.

Usually, the birth of a new family member is a moment of absolute happiness. However, this new little man will change everything you’ve known so far. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your baby’s arrival on both a practical and an emotional level.

Tips to Prepare for Your Baby’s Arrival

The arrival of a child into the world completely changes the lives of his parents, siblings and even pets. In our today’s article, you’ll find out how you can prepare for this extremely important moment in your life!

We’ve broken down the tips we’ve posted today into the practical and the emotional ones to help you orientate yourself throughout the article.

First, let’s talk a little more about what you need to do and buy before your baby is born. Next, we look at the mental and emotional preparation required to face new life changes.

What should you do and buy before the baby is born?

Prepare for the arrival of your baby by organizing all the things related to this important event. Emotional preparation is equally important.

We know you have a thousand thoughts in your head right now, and a lot of things to do. Pregnancy is a time of introspection, happiness and nerves. Certainly sometimes you will feel that you cannot do everything you want and it stresses you out. Take a deep breath and relax. Nothing is more important than you and your baby.

Here is a short list of tasks that can help you make decisions and prioritize what to do and what to buy.

1. Where will your baby sleep?

The first thing you should ask yourself is where your baby will sleep. The answer to this question is the first step to start planning what to do and buy. Here are the possible, most common options:

  • Sleeping with your baby in the same room. If this is your decision, before you start decorating your child’s room, think about whether the cot fits in your room and where and how you will locate it.
  • Sleeping together. If you’ve opted for this option, you need to make sure it is completely secure. The Spanish Pediatric Association recommends the use of a sidecar in such cases.
  • Your baby will sleep in his own room. In this case, his room should be completely ready for the baby’s arrival.

2. Necessary purchases for your child

Decorating a child’s room and preparing all the necessary things is exciting for future parents. There is nothing more tempting than shopping for a child. However, this can lead to buying tons of unnecessary things.

Changing the baby

We recommend that you prepare a list of the most important things and stick to it to avoid over-spending. However, you should know that with some things you can safely go crazy, because they will definitely be useful.

Here are some of the basic purchases for your baby’s arrival:

  • A crib if you plan to use it (you can always use it when needed, even if you don’t think about it right now)
  • Basket, sidecar or playpen
  • Changing table
  • Bedding for baby
  • Sleeping bag (or two)
  • Bathtub
  • Towels (at least two)
  • Diapers and scarves. We advise you not to buy too many of them as children grow up quickly

3. A pram or a baby carrier?

Another important question of expectant parents that you must decide soon is whether you want to buy a pram in one of the stores in your city. Remember that parents usually order a stroller at least three or four months before the likely date of delivery.


Here you have to decide how you plan to carry your baby. The combination of a scarf and a stroller can be an interesting solution because it gives you more room to maneuver. Think about it!

4. Clothes for a child

When preparing for your baby’s arrival, you need to pay attention to the different types of clothes and diapers you need. Nevertheless, remember that such a little one grows fast!
Or, you may wonder how many items of clothing you need to buy. As with diapers, you should avoid over-buying your newborn baby clothes for two reasons:

  • Babies grow very quickly and usually grow larger within a few weeks.
  • People who give away used clothes for free or friends who want to give you a gift usually buy the smallest sizes.

At this point, you may be wondering what you should do. The most practical way to deal with this situation is to talk to people you know will give you gifts to agree with them what you need. And also the size. Your child will need, among other things:

  • 10 pieces of bodysuits
  • 5 pairs of socks
  • 10 T-shirts and shorts
  • 10 pajamas
  • 5-6 sweaters
  • 2 baby hats

5. Hospital bag

Don’t wait until the last minute to get your hospital bag ready. Get it on time so you don’t forget about anything important such as a cell phone charger, clothes for you and your baby, diapers and anything else you need while you are in hospital.

6. Prepare your home for the baby’s arrival

When your due date is approaching, your home must be ready. This means fully stocking up your pantry, keeping your home tidy and clean, and having an action plan. In other words, for example, you should determine in advance who will look after your other children or your pet while you are away.

Prepare for your baby’s arrival on an emotional level

The arrival of your baby in the world will change your life forever, so relax and enjoy this stage. It is true that this event will turn your whole life upside down. The first few days will be exciting and exhausting at the same time, and you need to be fully aware of this during pregnancy.

Being a parent is not easy. You then face an unknown world, even if you already have other children. Each child is different, has their own needs and expectations, just like each parent.

If you already have a different baby, it’s important to prepare them for the changes ahead as well. After all, becoming older siblings is not easy. That is why it is worth talking to him, reading him stories about this situation and, above all, being very patient during the first months.

Mother and baby

Show him how much you love them, because the arrival of a new family member may shake his faith in your love for him.

The same thing can happen with your pet because you have devoted your full attention to him for many years. The animals accompanying you in your daily life are like children, which means they also need your patience and understanding until they adapt to the new situation.

Get ready now

Don’t underestimate these changes. Be aware that your life, and that of your whole family, will change soon. Prepare for the unexpected, accept your new life, and don’t let anything bad stop you from enjoying this wonderful moment that you are facing right now.

As you can see, there is much more to preparing for your baby’s birth than just shopping. You must be aware that it changes your whole life and that you will not be able to control everything. Despite the fear this event may cause, there is nothing more beautiful in the world than the arrival of a baby!

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