Thyme Infusion And Its Amazing Benefits

Read the rest of this article to find out the benefits of thyme tea and how you can use them for your needs.
Thyme infusion and its amazing benefits

Have you ever wondered what the benefits of a thyme infusion are ? Whatever your answer to the question above, the first and most important thing you should know is that it is an extremely aromatic herb that is widely used in recipes and in making perfumes.

But it can also be used to prepare an infusion of thyme , which has extraordinary benefits for your health.

In our today’s article, we will take a closer look at this wonderful plant and all the benefits of its infusion. We invite you to read!

What can I do with a thyme infusion?

By the time you reach the end of this review, we guarantee that you will no longer use this herb solely as a spice to enhance the flavor and add delicious aromas to your dishes, but you will also want to try it out as a hot drink.


So discover how to benefit from the properties of thyme, among which the most popular are:

1. Strong disinfecting effect

If you have ulcers on your tongue or mouth, commonly known as mouth ulcers, you can drink hot or cold thyme infusions to reduce inflammation and disinfect the affected area.

In addition, since thyme is a powerful antiseptic thanks to its high thymol content, you can use this infusion to disinfect and heal wounds, eye infections and skin cuts.

2. Helping to alleviate breathing problems

You can effectively cure many respiratory diseases, from bronchitis to asthma. This is due to the bronchodilator properties of this plant.

3. Prevention of premature aging

Thanks to the high doses of antioxidants that can be shown in thyme infusion, as well as the high content of flavonoids, you can maintain the proper functioning of your body cells and prevent premature aging of both your body cells and entire organs.

Premature aging

It is undoubtedly a kind of youth elixir!

4. Prevention of indigestion

After a heavy meal, family party, or any other event where we eat excessively, an infusion of thyme will help us avoid the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and will also give us a much better sleep.

What’s more, this extremely valuable drink also allows you to eliminate excess mucus in the digestive tract. It can also reduce abdominal gas and gas.

Therefore, do not hesitate to make a thyme infusion for yourself whenever you know that your stomach will soon receive much more food than is usually the case.

5. Reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

The typical symptoms of PMS in the days leading up to menstruation can be reduced by simply drinking thyme tea.

The woman is lying in bed with a compress on her head

During this difficult period for every woman, this drink can also soothe contractions and help fight vaginal infections. As long as it is applied externally.

6. Lowering blood pressure

This spice comes from the temperate regions of Europe, Asia and North Africa. Humanity has been using it since ancient Greece as a medicinal plant.

7. Strengthening your immune system

If you get sick frequently and catch infections easily, perhaps the reason for this is because your immune system is not in the best shape. Thyme is high in vitamins A and C. They act as an essential part of your immune response to potential external threats.

8. Strong mouthwash

If you suffer from halitosis, you can drink thyme tea to get rid of this problem. More and more oral care products are starting to contain thyme. It is one of the key ingredients due to its anti-odor properties.

9. Improving your mood

Stress, anxiety, depression, irritability? Don’t worry, thyme tea can help you reduce these unpleasant symptoms. In fact, thyme itself contains a substance with therapeutic and relaxing properties called carvacrol.

Good mood of a woman

When you consume thyme in any form, its ingredients stimulate a sense of well-being and comfort while balancing brain activity. Your energy levels will also increase, and any overwhelming anxiety will be relieved. This is one more reason to enjoy the properties of this plant after each long and exhausting day.

Ways to drink thyme infusion

It all depends on how you would like to use your thyme infusion. In other words, you will have to prepare it differently depending on whether you want to use it internally or externally.

In both cases, the drinkable variety may contain other ingredients to enhance the effects of the infusion. In addition, it is necessary to drink it at a higher or lower temperature.

If you are going to use thyme tea to heal or disinfect wounds or fight infection, you will need fewer ingredients.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon of thyme leaves (10 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

The procedure for preparing the described product:

  • Heat the water, and when it boils, add the thyme to it.
  • Cook it for 15 minutes and then take the pan off the heat.
  • Let the drink infuse until it is at a drinking or skin-safe temperature.
  • Drain the thyme leaves and pour the liquid into a spray bottle.
  • Spray it on the infected area to effectively clean it and cure the infection.

An alternative version of the infusion

If you want to take advantage of the possibilities offered by thyme tea when you are struggling with a cough or a cold, you can add a few more useful ingredients to the drink:

Necessary ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon of thyme leaves (10 g)
  • A glass of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (30 ml)
  • 1/2 lemon

The procedure for preparing the described product:

  • First, heat the water.
  • Then, when the water starts to boil, add the thyme to it and cook it for 15 minutes.
  • Now take the pan off the heat and set aside for 10 minutes to cool.
  • Now strain the thyme leaves and add 1 tablespoon of honey to the drink.
  • Squeeze the lemon as well and add its juice to the infusion.
  • Drink this thyme tea hot as soon as you are able to swallow.

People who should avoid drinking and taking thyme infusions in other forms:

  • People suffering from stomach ulcers
  • People who suffer from heart problems
  • Pregnant women

However, remember not to drink more than one glass of this infusion a day. Excessive intake of thymol (one of the main ingredients in thyme) can cause some unpleasant side effects. Thyme,  consumed in really large amounts, becomes highly toxic.

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