4 Problems Faced By Every Single Child

Often only children are said to be little princesses. Nobody, however, asks themselves questions about the challenges they have to face at an early age. Only daughters are individuals with unusual and special characteristics. 
Jedynaczka - 4 challenges to be faced

It is true that an only child often meets with above-average interest from her surroundings. It is treated as the greatest treasure in the life of parents. But isn’t that the case with every child?

This can lead to overprotective attitudes and pampering the offspring. Hence the concept of a little princess with whom only daughters meet in the later stages of life. 

Does anyone remember the challenges they face? Since they have no siblings, the only girls in the family carry all the burdens on their shoulders alone.

Let us remember that in adulthood they are obliged to give their parents back what has been invested in them and we do not mean material resources. Love and commitment, time and attention, your presence. They will have to give all this to their beloved parents one day.

The only girl – problems she has to face

sad girl and mom

1. Dullness with making contacts

Only children are said to have difficulty making contacts because they focus only on their own needs and have difficulty feeling empathy. This leads to antisocial attitudes, especially when working in a group.

They also usually feel that their way and point of view are the best, which prevents them from appreciating other people’s achievements.

An example is the first visit to a kindergarten, in which it turns out that the only child is no longer in the center of attention, because all children are treated equally.

It is often associated with trauma and opposition to further attendance of kindergarten. Is it always like that? Not! Psychologists and social scientists debunk some myths about only children.

Of course, such behavior may occur, but not always. Recent studies show that only children are most often people open to different views. There is practically no homophobic or racist attitudes. Neither are they selfish to the extent that they are judged.

2. Dealing with conflicts

Problems and stress are part of our everyday lives. It is said, however, that the only child, due to the lack of siblings, is unable to confront her problems. There is no one to be angry with, no one to tear at the cats. He also does not have to fight for his own. Consequently, this can lead to a lack of internal tools in the face of conflict resolution.

Psychologists confirm that only children prefer not to get involved in conflicts. But this may have something to do with their positive trait: composure.

Singles and only children derive their role models directly from their adult parents, which, with a bit of luck, may bring results in the form of maturity in life.

3. Single girl and selfishness

Most children between the ages of 10 and 12 show self-centered traits. However, it is said that children who grow up with siblings are taught to share with others more than an only child or an only child.

It is a common finding that the only child did not have to share with others at home, having all the resources and love of her parents for herself. This may cause him to be more selfish in the future than others.

4. Subconscious dependence

This challenge depends most on the parents and the relationships they create with the child.

The only child (as well as the only child) feel a strong bond with their home, often even a direct addiction, because as children all hopes were placed in them. Such pressure triggered the need to be perfect and often even the realization of parents’ unfulfilled dreams.

Moreover, this pressure comes with responsibility for the home and care for parents in the future. It is not uncommon for parents to subconsciously cultivate remorse in their child, which may have a destructive effect on the child’s self-esteem. Usually, the only children are afraid to leave the family home because of the pressure and guilt that arises. 

Single girl – positive qualities

Early Emotional Maturity

The only girl shared most of her time only with adults. Such coexistence also allows us to understand their actions and get used to certain adult tendencies.

It often encourages the only children to read, draw, and perform activities that require concentration and silence. This allows you to achieve a high degree of maturity from an early age. Often incomparable to other children who had siblings.

only child with mother

Rich imagination

Adults often lack time, so the only children have to organize their own day, creating their own inner reality. Hence the creation of invisible friends and fantastic siblings.

They create games in which they can participate themselves, they have no reason to unhealthy competition. It is very often the only children who choose the artistic path of life.

Strong sense of responsibility

In the process of shaping their young life, the only child and only child must perform all the duties themselves, because they have no one to delegate them to.

On the other hand, they are also fully responsible for the resulting damage. If there is a trauma in the family, they are also left alone to face their demons, they have to pull themselves together and be support for the rest of the family.

It is difficult to explain to others what exactly it is to go through life as an only child. In addition, we are talking about a fairly exclusive, because a small group of people in our society.

It’s only natural for questions to arise and stereotypes from other people. Moreover, the only children themselves reflect on and constantly amaze with certain elements of life from large families.

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